Chapter 7

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"Mom! I'm going to be late," I said and my dad laughed at me as my mom fussed over me, clearly amused at the antiques of his wife.

"Shh I don't want any buri nazar(evil eye) on you, you're going to be married soon, so bear with me for some more time," mom said as she did something with some lemon. Leave it to Indian moms to be extremely superstitious.

"Mom!" I whined and pouted.

"Shh baccha," mom said as she finished doing whatever she was doing and leaned down to kiss my forehead. My pout immediately melted and I wrapped my arms around her as I hugged her.

"All done, now go,"

"Finally, I just hope I'm not fired for being extremely late," I said as I rushed out and drove to the office as fast as I could.

"Fucking hell," I cursed as I fervently pressed the elevator. While there was no big thing about being just 5 minutes late, I somehow absolutely disliked it because it somehow ruined the whole schedule in my mind that I had for the day.

"Doors opening,"

"Fucking finally, slow poke!" I hissed at the elevator and leaned against the lift.

"Doors closing," and the buzzing was the lift never annoyed me more before as the lift took me to the floor.

"Door opening," and as soon as those words were uttered by the robotic voice, I rushed out.

"Oh fuck I'm late--Ah!" I cried out when I lost my footing because of something slippery and my ankle, clad in 3 inch heels, twisted and I fell straight to the ground. The only day I feel real good about wearing heels is also the only day that I fall down. This was one of the reason I avoided wearing heels and always went with my sneakers.

So much for the buri nazar procedure that my mom did in the morning...

Tears welled in my eyes at the searing pain that shot in my ankle and more so at the embarrassment.

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud not caring that I was at my workplace as I kneaded my ankle that was literally throbbing in pain. I heard footsteps approached and I looked up from my misery to find Rohan and Sunil staring at me.

"Sunil, I'd told you to get the water cleaned, now didn't I? Look at what that led to..." Rohan said in a patronizing voice to Sunil before he walked closer to me and crouched down to my eye level.

"Do you think you can stand?" He asked me softly as Sunil continued yelling at some of the people.

"Yeah," I said and he didn't look like he believed me but still watched me stand with the help of his hand pulling me up.

I did in fact that stand but the moment I put too much pressure on my injured ankle, I stumbled forward and crashed straight into Rohan's chest. Great, this was double embarrasement time for me because even when I was in a lot of pain, my stubborn ass didn't want to admit that my ankle was aching a little too badly.

"Not too hard to admit you were hurt now was it?" Rohan said in my ear as he bent down a little and with his one arm around my waist and the other around my knee, he lifted me in his arms and started walking towards what I assumed was his office.

I was about to protest but he shushed me immediately. As we entered his office, he settled me down on the sofa.

"Now, before I do anything Sanjana, I want to tell you something," he said as he stared at me with thisserious but genuine look in his eyes.

"Uh go ahead," I said, hesitating a little

"We are engaged and we are about to be married soon, but I just want you to know that I will never touch you without consent, I know it makes you uncomfortable but moments like these, I will have to so please trust me and don't get upset okay?"

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