Chapter 23

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I was shaking violently. I may have even been screaming. I don't know so well, all I know is someone was calling my name. I woke up with a jerk, breathing heavily as I realised arms were wrapped around me.

"Sanjana," Rohan's voice brought me back to reality.


"You scared me," he whispered against my ear.

That is when I realised that he is holding me tight and his own breathing is uneven. He pulled back and then took a look at me and visibly sagged in relief. He then increased the temperature of the AC in the room before shifting and settling in the chair.

"I'm..  I'm sorry Rohan," I whispered.

"You don't need to be sorry, I'm sure the hospital brought back a few memories," he said softly as he held my hand.

It was a little uncomfortable for the fact that some wires was stuck on my hand. I lean back on the bed and close my eyes as I breathe evenly.

"Do you--" Rohan stopped himself before he can speak.

"Do I what Ro?"

"Do you always get nightmares?" He asked hesitantly.

"95% of the time I think, some days I don't but then most of the days I do,"

"And there's nothing we can do about it? And no I'm not uncomfortable but I'm worried about you,"

We? My heart warmed at that word.

"My therapist had just told me to stay away from triggers and that I need to focus on happy things, there were some things she had said that I don't remember because I never even liked going to therapy sessions,"

"I'll try to get you out of the hospital the first thing in the morning,"

"Thank you Ro," I said as I turned to face him.

"Do you think you can sleep now? You need to rest as much as you can,"

"I'll try," I murmured as I focused on sleeping.

He entwined our fingers as gently caressed my knuckles as he lulled me to sleep.


"Sanjana! We're going home!" Monica said.

She threw the door open and almost fell on the floor but composed herself. Sunil followed her and they were followed by my family. Mom and dad were beaming at me and Sonia was glaring in my direction. Rohan must have noticed it because he chuckled as he stared at Sonia.

"Kya hua Sonia?"

"Nothing, I just feel like murdering my sister for scaring me," she mumbled, her chin wobbled as unshed tears welled in her eyes.

"Awe babu, come here," I said as I sat up and opened my arm for a hug.

She tumbled into my arms as started sobbing as she clutched my hospital gown.

"You scared me so much Di, I don't want to lose you yaar I mean you are annoying but then I still love you and I can't lose you," she said softly.

"Awe mera baccha, she's not going anywhere," dad said.

After Sonia had calmed down, she helped me change out of the hospital gown and into a shirt that I knew belonged to Rohan because it was larger and some pants. The shirt had short sleeves which could easily accommodate my right hand which was in a cast. Luckily I hadn't suffered any injury on my legs so I could walk in my own. As we walked out of the bathroom, I could see dad and Rohan talking and Rohan was nodding at something dad was saying.

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