32. ready

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we're practically at the end and i already miss my boys :(

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we're practically at the end and i already miss my boys :(


GRADUATION WAS a bit of everything.

It was a bit of tear-streaked faces, a bit of tightly-squeezed hugs, a bit of wide grins and graduation speeches, a bit of sentimental parents and embracing couples.

Dion and I's parents hit it off immediately, and Dion had been glowing in his graduation gown throughout the entirety of the event. 

It wasn't at all difficult for our parents to figure out that we were dating. My parents assumed we were since the wedding, and apparently Dion's parents had decided we were long before that. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd suspected that since the morning I'd popped into their house, high.

At graduation, everyone was there; Adair, Kieran, Esteban, Ximena, Ainsley, Maia,  all the seniors. People were laughing, taking pictures.

The day was alive.

It's the day after graduation; at about 3:50 AM in the morning right now. I'm seated across from my boyfriend, Dion Reyes, and we're shifting a slushie back and forth across the table, taking slow sips in the quiet of the empty 7-Eleven.

Last night, everyone spent the night fucking around. Between the day Dion asked me out and I said yes—to now—we've spent almost every day together. After all, we had a month of high school left; and we wanted to make count.

We've headed downtown more than once, to a carnival, to the boardwalk with all our friends, or simply just to either of our houses, all strewn over each other as we talk about the most insignificant and useless shit.

We're both headed to Lowell. We got assigned different dorms, but we're on the same floor, meaning that I can still attempt to enact our roommate trope. We have time. We have the right now, and that's enough.

Dion meets my eyes. He's wearing his crescent moon necklace, and he leans forward in his seat. "Alright," he says, clasping his hands on the table, rings sparkling. "We've gotta work this out once and for all."

"What?" I ask, nudging his foot with mine.

"Who's driving first?" Dion asks, and I exhale a groan.

Dion's driving suspension was lifted at the end of May, and he re-did his driver's test shortly after it was lifted. Obviously, he's been on cloud nine since that happened, despite the fact that no one in their right mind is still going to allow him to drive anywhere.

However, seeing as we're going on a road trip tomorrow, Dion is overly excited to showcase his driving "skills", and has been trying to convince me to allow him to drive.

"I'm driving," I reply without hesitation. "Throughout."

Dion exhales an overly dramatic sigh. "But I'm a good driver now! I promise."

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