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AUGUST 27, 2028

"I'm so excited!" Nina beamed, squeezing Rebekah's hand as they walked through the gate.

Last weekend, Nina went in for her ultrasound. While checking the developments of the baby, she was able to find out the gender. Although Nina and Rebekah were content on finding out right there and then, Freya insisted on hosting a gender reveal in her new home. While her doctor emailed Freya the results, Nina has been anxiously waiting to find out.

"Look who showed up last to their own party," Nathaniel smirked, already nursing a glass of alcohol. Only instead of the usual beer glass, it's contents are in a cup that has Girl Or Boy written on the front.

Rebekah sent him a scowl while Nina only ignored him and took in the decorations. There were fairy lights strung between the trees, pink and blue balloons hung on chairs, and a table full of sweets. While the human was excited for the results, she decided she could wait until after stuffing her face with cupcakes.

Throughout her pregnancy, Nina's always had cravings. But ever since her second trimester started, she's been having even more. While Rebekah tries not to judge what her pregnant wife eats, she can't help but internally gag once Nina makes herself a grilled cheese with chocolate chips melted not only on the outside, but on the inside as well. Nina claims it's heaven on earth since it's her two favorite foods combined together, but Rebekah thinks otherwise.

"Please tell me you have something over the top planned for the reveal. Nina's been talking about it nonstop," Rebekah mumbled to Freya, watching as Davina touched Nina's bump.

The human's food cravings haven't been the only thing growing; her bump is much more prominent than it was last month. Nina thinks it's partially due to all the food she's been inhaling, but Rebekah just thinks the baby is going to be big. Nina hopes that's not the case, but a part of her knows the truth. After all, the paperwork said the sperm donor was 6'4".

"It's going to be great, sister, trust me."

Humming in response, Rebekah tossed her hair over her shoulder and made her way towards her brother. Kol was too busy staring at his phone that he let out a small yelp once the blonde stepped on his foot. In her heels.

"Good to see you as well, Rebekah."

"I'm still pissed at you for that stunt you pulled last month," Rebekah said, "Forcing Nina to come out and tell everyone just because you wanted entertainment."

"At least I didn't force her out of the closet," Kol gave his sister a boyish half smirk, a loud laugh coming from Nathaniel across the yard.

"Stop listening to other people's conversations, dick."

"Love, you can't say that. You listen in on people all the time," Nina chimed in, her words muffled by the cupcake in her mouth.

Rebekah wished she could give a witty response, but couldn't find it in her heart to do so. She loved Nina too much to give her an eyeroll or a glare. Instead, she settled on a soft smile; one in which Nina returned.

Kol commented something about 'being whipped', but Rebekah tuned him out. Walking over to her wife, she held one hand on Nina's lower back while she ate one of the cookies. Looking around the yard, Rebekah couldn't help but feel peaceful. Keelin, Marcel, and Nathaniel were chasing Nik around, Freya and Davina were discussing spells while Kol occasionally gave his two cents, and Rebekah was standing with the mother of her child. Her soulmate.

But, she couldn't help but feel off. Like something, or someone, was missing. Blaming her thoughts on missing her brothers, Rebekah took Nina's hand and brought them over to the others.

✵ ✵ ✵

"Can I have everyone come here so we can start the reveal?" Freya smiled, standing up from her spot at the table and walking towards a fire pit.

Nina excitedly sprung up from her seat while Rebekah, on the other hand, was more graceful.

"I thought we could revisit a tradition the Mikaelsons have. For those who don't know it, you write down your wishes for each other and throw them in the fire. Only this time, there's a bit of a twist. We're going to write down our wishes for Rebekah and Nina's new child. Once we throw them in, the fire will reveal the gender."

Everyone collected a small piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down their words. Once everyone was finished, they all waited for Freya to countdown before collectively throwing their papers in. Once they touched the flame, the fire lit up with the color that represented their firstborn child.

Blue light highlighted everyone's faces, the family cheering and giving congratulations to the couple. 

Even if it seemed a bit rude, Nina and Rebekah were tuning them all out. Instead, they were focused on each other and had ear to ear smiles. They were having a baby boy.

"Now I can start shopping!" Davina laughed, ignoring the way Kol groaned. The vampire already knew he would be getting dragged along to all of the stores.

"A toast," Freya spoke, holding her glass up, "To the new Mikaelson boy."

Everyone toasted, clinking their glasses together. Nina couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach, her heart so full with happiness.

Gender never really mattered to her, but finding out just made the pregnancy feel even more real. She was happy that she was having a boy, and she would be just as happy if she were having a girl. All Nina and Rebekah cared about was that their baby would be healthy and safe.

✵ ✵ ✵

The two laid awake in the guest bedroom of Freya and Keelin's house. While they said they didn't mind getting a hotel room, Freya insisted they stay the night. She even offered to cook breakfast in the morning, and Nina couldn't say no to that. Apparently, so couldn't Kol, who was eavesdropping. He subtly invited himself and Davina to stay in the extra bedroom in the basement. While his excuse was he wanted to spend more time with family, Nina knew he just wanted the free breakfast.

While everyone else in the house was asleep, Rebekah couldn't bring herself to close her eyes. With her hand on Nina's bump feeling the small kicks, the blonde wanted to stay in this moment forever. Similarly, Nina wanted to pause time and stay with her two favorite people for the rest of eternity. The other reason why she couldn't sleep was because the kicking kept her awake, but that didn't seem like an important factor.

"I'm happy," Rebekah whispered in the dark, her thumb stroking Nina's soft skin. "The world could end tomorrow and it wouldn't matter because at this moment, I'm so happy that I don't care about anything else."

Nina sniffled, turning over and facing her wife. Bringing her hand to her cheek, Nina leaned in and gave Rebekah a soft kiss.

"I love you, and our baby loves you too."

The blonde smiled, kissing Nina's forehead before bringing one hand back to her wife's stomach and her other arm around her back to hold her closer.

"I will love you both with everything in me until my last breath."

hi :)

Not proofread so if there are any mistakes, ignore them and I'll fix it soon!

They're having a boy!!!

Ever since I started writing Nina's pregnancy, I always planned for them to have a boy as their first child (not hinting that they'll be having anymore) (or am I??)

Hope you all have a lovely day!

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