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The human walked down the staircase, her eyes slightly widening at the crowd in front of her

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The human walked down the staircase, her eyes slightly widening at the crowd in front of her.

At the bottom of the staircase stood the original family, the same family Nina had spent endless hours researching and digging through.

As she walked, her eyes didn't skim over the others. No, they stayed glue to a pair of light blue ones; who more than happily stared back.

Once Nina had reached the bottom step, all the previous small talk had dialed down to silence. The vampire's gazed were on the dark haired woman, which was no doubt intimidating her. At any moment they could tear her apart if they wished.

"You must be Nina." A woman kindly smiled, breaking the silence. "I'm Davina. It's nice to finally meet the face behind the woman who Rebekah has spent six years with."

"It's nice to meet you too." The human slightly smiled, tearing her glance away from Rebekah and onto the rest of the family.

"Well, the wedding is starting in a few hours. I suppose we should finish up here and head over soon." Kol spoke, hoping his brother and niece would get the hint to leave the vampire and human alone.

"We have time, brother."

"Come on, dad." Hope sighed, ushering her father out of the room alongside Kol and Davina.

After a few awkward moments of silence, Rebekah spoke up, "You look lovely."

"Thank you. I remember you buying that dress at that old boutique when we traveled over to Lausanne for the day."

"If it weren't for you mailing me my boxes I would have had to worn a different dress today."


"-Can we go for a walk?" The blonde spoke, "I want to tell you everything, but not here. Somewhere where we can be alone."

Nina sighed, reluctantly nodding her head. Although Rebekah had betrayed her trust, she still thought it would be good closure to hear out the person she spent almost everyday with for the past six years.

The human silently followed behind the original vampire until they made it outside towards a street which no one seemed to be on.

"I guess I'll start." The blonde announced, her eyes trained to the ground, "My family and I are the first original vampires. The only reason I came to Geneva instead of staying in New Orleans was because seven years ago, my niece Hope was being taken over by my aunt Dahlia. In order for her to survive, the hollow had to be put into my siblings and I. We would never be able to be together as long as we had it. I was visiting Elijah in France, he was compelled his memories away and I was checking up on him. I was not planning on staying in Switzerland but after that night, I knew there was only one place for me to go."

"Rebekah, I-"

"-You are quite possibly my favorite person, Nina. Which is why I'm deeply sorry for the pain I caused you. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I only want your understanding. Everything I did was to protect you."

"I love you, Bexs. You've been my other half for the past six years. Of course I forgive you."

Rebekah smiled, pulling the dark haired woman in for a hug. However, the moment was ruined too soon.

"But that doesn't mean I trust you." Nina whispered in her ear, snapping her neck.

The human caught the vampires limp body in her arms and dragged her over into the alleyway, sitting her up against the wall.

"I'm sorry, Rebekah. But this is what I was instructed to do." The human spoke in an almost emotionless tone.

Quickly straightening out her dress, Nina turned and headed back to the compound; ready to tell Freya about an emergency and how she needed to get back as soon as possible.

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