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 Nina sighed, locking the apartment door behind her

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Nina sighed, locking the apartment door behind her.

The human had been far too exhausted from the thirteen hour plane ride. Sure, she slept a couple hours but the woman was still recovering from the previous flight.

Nina practically fell onto the couch, simply laying there.

However, her tiredness slipped away once she noticed a picture frame by the television.

Nina slowly stood up, walking over to the picture. It was of her and Rebekah standing in front of a monument in Jardin Anglais. The dark haired woman could recall every detail that occurred on that day.

She remembered how Rebekah dropped her iced coffee and how frustrated she got. Although Nina laughed, she still bought her roommate a new one out of pure kindness. At first, Rebekah didn't want to accept the coffee-seeing as she didn't want her to spend her money on her. But, after much convincing, the blonde finally accepted.

Nina had loved that day. It was just her and Rebekah acting like complete fools in the park. Now, the human couldn't even believe that she barely knows her anymore.

Of course, she's still the same person. Same body, appearance, and voice. But to Nina, she felt like a stranger.

How could you lie to your best friend about being a vampire for five years? The dark haired woman still couldn't believe it.

Ignoring the tears that ran down her cheeks, Nina picked up the picture and threw it on the wooden floor, glass shattering everywhere.

The human fell down next to it,  putting her face in her hands while she cried. All the emotions she's been experiencing over the past week hitting her in waves.

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