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Nina yawned, stretching her arms as she sat up in her bed

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Nina yawned, stretching her arms as she sat up in her bed. The human looked over at her alarm and pressed 'Stop'.

It was currently six thirty am on Monday morning and she had to be in work at eight. Being the procrastinator Nina is, the woman always wakes up early so she gives herself time to just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. Once Nina stayed lying in the same spot for ten minutes, the human finally got up and prepared herself for the day.

After doing her normal routine so she looked presentable for work, Nina slipped on her blue police jacket and grabbed her keys, locking the apartment door behind her as she left for work.

Her dog, Lexie; named after her favorite character on Grey's Anatomy, was with Luisa for the day. The woman was more than willing to dog sit again, seeing as the two humans were already close friends.

As soon as Nina stepped into the police station, she was being pulled over to where her desk was.

"Get all your stuff and meet me out front. There was a body found under the Pont du Mont-Blanc." Detective Muller stated before turning on his heel and walking through the front doors.

Nina did as instructed. She quickly grabbed her bag that contained what was needed and met Lukas out front.

The ride was quiet, as usual. The two were always on cases together, but were barely friends. More of acquaintances and colleagues. Of course, if they ran into each other outside of work then they would have a short conversation, but that was all. There was no texting during the day and hangouts. 

Once they arrived, there was yellow tape marked off and an ambulance truck which was ready for the body once Nina was finished with pictures.

"Lea Keller, thirty two. We're calling it as an animal attack. The marks on her neck match the same as the other victims." The male spoke, standing beside the woman as she snapped pictures of the body.

Of course, being a forensic investigator Nina has seen many gruesome and horrible sights, but these were in her top five. The body would be completely drained of blood and two holes were marked in the neck. However, now Nina knew that these weren't animal attacks. They were the result of a vampire.

But what confused Nina was Rebekah wasn't in Geneva anymore. She was in New Orleans for Freya's wedding, as far as the dark haired woman knew.

Once the human finished with the photos and swabbing for blood and fingerprints, she nodded towards the workers, watching as they picked the body up and brought it inside the truck.

✵ ✵ ✵

Many hours later, Nina was finished for the day.

She picked up her dog and headed home, ready to unwind and relax.

As the human walked past Rebekah's room, she sighed. All of the blondes items were still there, seeing as Rebekah never came to pick them up. The white and pink sheets were still neatly made and the lamp illuminated the room.

Taking the phone out of her pocket, Nina dialed Rebekah's number, ignoring the gut feeling telling her to end the call and move on. After a couple rings and no answer, the human was about to hang up until she heard a voice. One that she had been wanting to hear for the past two weeks.


"Rebekah, are you in Geneva?"

"No, I'm in New Orleans. Why?"

"It's just." Nina sighed, not wanting to reveal the information but deep down knew that the blonde could help. "I had another victim today. They said it's an animal attack but it was clearly caused by a vampire. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't you. And now I know it wasn't so I can hang up now."

"Wait, Nina!" Rebekah quickly spoke, stopping the human from hanging up. "I know my sister came to see you and I wanted to let you know that I would very much like to see you. I know you probably hate me but it would really mean the world. I just want to see you one last time, then we can part ways."

"I can't miss anymore days of work. The plane ride is long and costs money that I don't have."

"Freya could come and bring you. She can preform a spell that brings you straight here and you'll be back by midnight. It's tomorrow and I know you don't work Saturdays."

"My dog-"

"Your dog can come for all I care. As long as you're here, that's all that matters."

Nina paused before sighing, "Fine. Tell your sister to come to my apartment when she can."

"Okay. I'll see you then." Rebekah smiled, despite the human not being able to see her.

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