Chapter 3

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"Hi, we meet again," Adidas greeted us when he saw us walking toward them. This time, I was able to see his face clearly. I wouldn't argue with Emma about her comment on his appearance. But, I didn't think he was my type.

"Alex!" Emma shook my body, bringing me back to life. I noticed Adidas and his friends were waiting for me to say something.

"Oh, hi." I put my hands in the back pockets of my jeans, embarrassed.

Adidas smiled. "Sorry about earlier."

"It's fine," I shrugged.

"Your name's Alex?" The blondie next to him asked.

"Yeah, Alex." I pointed to my left. "And she's my friend, Emma."

"Emma Watson?" The guy with brown hair and a womanly voice joked and everyone laughed. 

"Nah, she's better than me." Emma's face was a tomato now. The blondie tried to hide his laugh.

"Okay, what are your names?" I asked before turning to my friend who gave me a smile.

Adidas answered first. "Liam." The blondie introduced himself as Niall and the womanly-voice guy as Louis.

"Nice to meet you all!" Emma spoke out before me. She was looking at Adi- Liam and only Liam. She must'd fallen in love with him at first sight.

"You too," Louis smiled. To be honest, he looked finer than Liam. Or in other words, may be Louis was my type.

"So how old are you?" Emma asked, again, only looking at Liam. 

The blondie, being the smart one, left Emma and Liam alone and decided to talk to me. Soon enough, our group was divided into two, with Niall and I on one side and the other three on the other side.

Awkwardly, Niall and I were staring at each other. "Uh, how old are you?" I spit out what was on top of my head.

"I'm 19. You?" 


"A little bit about yourself?"

"Uh, I'm a high school senior. I'm good at math. Uh, I don't have many friends?" 

He lost at my last description of myself and laughed out loud. "Well, you just got three new ones."

"Yeah, true," I smiled. He was such a nice guy. He knew how to boost up people's moods. "What about you?"

"Okay. I'm Irish, from Ireland. When I was five, I moved to England and that's where I met my four best friends. They're two of them." He pointed at Louis and Liam. "The other two weren't able to make it today."

"Wow. That's so cool," I nodded, sinking in his life story. "So how are you all here today?"

"Well, we're actually living here right now. We all applied to Standford University after high school and got accepted into there, so we decided to move here altogether. And today is one of those relaxing days, you know."

We were close to going on the ride now. For a second, I even forgot to feel scared. "Interesting! And I know this is already too late, but congratulations on your acceptance to Standford! It must've taken a lot of effort."

"It did. I remember when we were up all night studying hard for finals." He put on that nostalgic emotion of his. "Those were the days, man."

"I can imagine." At the moment, we were the first ones on the line. I was suddenly snapped back to what was going to happen soon. I started to feel so nervous and my body began to shake.

"Are you okay, Alex?" Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, expecting Niall, only to see Liam's worried face.

"Yeah, I'm just scared, I think."

"Don't worry, love. You'll be fine." Even though his words didn't completely took my shaking away, they were still assuring. 

"Thank you." I forced a smile at him who returned a warm one.

He still had his hand around me until we all took a seat on the ride. I ended up on the left side of Liam and right of Niall, and of course, Emma was on the other side of Liam.

When all the protections were correctly set up around our bodies, the engine started to roar. As I was raised slowly upward, my heart pounded faster and louder. My hands on the protector were trembling. I took a look at the environment I was reaching and couldn't believe what I was seeing. We were high up in the air; all I could see was the top of the trees, but even them soon disappeared one by one as we were raised higher.

I decided to close my eyes because I knew I was going to vomit from the top if I kept looking. I flicked my eyes open quickly when something warm reached my right hand.

I thought about pulling my hand away because Emma wouldn't like that, but before I could do that, my hand was grabbed by his. He crossed our fingers together and held into my hand tightly in the open space between our seats. Emma didn't seem to notice his action.

On my left side, since Niall was sitting on the edge, he was enjoying the beautiful sense fearlessly and yelling some wow's and woah's.

Liam gave my hand a squeeze, and before I knew it, we were pulled down at a deadly speed. In just a breathe, we were all near the ground where we started. 

I felt like I was going to empty my stomach, my breakfast, my bread. I even forgot I was still holding onto Liam's hand firmly until Emma came talk to me. I hurriedly broke our contact.

"How was it, Alex?!" She yelled louder than ever before and started to laugh.

I rolled my eyes. "I hate you."

"You brought her here knowing how scared she was of this, Emma?" Liam broke in. I kind of liked the fact that he was taking my side instead of laughing along with Emma at me.

"Ugh, sorry about that," Emma shrugged everything off like nothing had happened. "But now you had the experience with the world's highest free falling ride!"

"I still hate you," I said even though I thought she was partly right, though.

"Okay okay. Hate me however you want, but you will still love me no matter what." There, she was right again. "Let's go to another ride?"

She started to take off and I followed her steps. Before we went too far, I heard someone calling my name.


Total Word Count: 3072

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