Chapter 19

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The next day, Toshinori took me over to U.A. to see Recovery Girl for the medicine that would help me recover before taking me back to his place.

"Hey, Toshinori?" I asked him as I limped into the lounge. The medicine Recovery Girl had given me was starting to work, and I was now able to walk around without a crutch, though I still had a dull ache in my foot from where it was broke, and I couldn't walk long distances without having to take a break, but walking around Toshinori's house was fine as I didn't have to walk around that much.

"Yeah?" Toshinori asked, looking away from the TV that was on the news channel.

"Do you by any chance have a sewing machine? Or anything that I could use to make adjustments to my costume?" I said as I pulled my costume out from behind my back.

"Yes, I do as a matter of fact. It's upstairs, I'll go fetch it for you," he nodded as he jumped up from the couch and hurried up the spiral stairs.

While I waited for him, I took a seat on the couch and looked down at my costume. It was a simple black body suit with holes in the shoulders to make it look like a vest top underneath the body suit. The sleeves were long and had fingerless gloves attached to the end of the sleeves. Along the bust area, the seams were red and there were red seams on the thighs and sleeves. Around the waist was a black belt with a red buckle which was used to attach small weapons onto such as flash grenades, extendable fighting pole and smoke bombs.

Toshinori came back down with the sewing machine cradled in his arms, "Want me to put it in your room?" He asked.

I looked round to face him and nodded before getting off the couch and following him to my room.

As we got into my room, he placed the sewing machine onto the dresser and plugged it in, "There we go, it's all good to go, is there anything else you need?" He looked over his shoulder at me.

"I think I'm good for now, I've got a small sewing kit in my bag to undo the stitching, I'm not doing much to it, just adjusting some pieces so it will fit me better," I smiled.

"Okay, if you need anything, just give me a shout," Toshinori nodded before leaving me in my room to start working on my costume.

A few hours later, the adjustments were done and I tried my costume on for the first time in 15 years. I looked down at the costume and smiled, satisfied with my work.

A knock came at my bedroom door, "Everything okay, Y/N?" Toshinori's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yep, I've actually finished the adjustments, come in a see what you think," I said.

The door creaked open and I turned to face Toshinori as he came into my bedroom.

The blond hero froze in the doorway, his eyes scanning over my costume, "Woah..." He breathed.

I giggled at his reaction, "So, what do you think?"

"It looks good," Toshinori nodded as he walked around me to look at the rest of the costume before coming to stand in front of me again, looking like he was deep in thought.

"Is something wrong?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, nothing's wrong. I've just had a thought, I think I might have just the thing to complete your costume, wait here," he said as he turned on his heel and left the room. He came back a few minutes later hiding something behind his back, "Do you mind stepping out for a moment, I need to make some minor adjustments to this before I can give it to you."

I looked at him confused before walking around him to the bedroom door, his body turned as I made my way around him to avoid me seeing what was behind his back.

"I'll let you know when you can come back in, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded before stepping out from the doorway and closing the door behind me. I wonder what he was planning. I shrugged the thought away and went into the lounge, sitting down on the couch and grabbing the TV remote. I flicked through the TV channels before settling on a movie channel that had a comedy movie on–one that I had seen many times.

About half an hour later, I heard the bedroom door open. I turned on the couch to see Toshinori walking into the lounge, his hands behind his back hiding what he was going to give me.

"Okay, it's done. Come stand in front of me and close your eyes," he instructed. I stood up from the couch and made my way over to him. As soon as I was standing in front of him, I closed my eyes. "Keep them closed until I tell you to open them, okay?"

"Okay," I nodded.

I heard rustling and felt something get draped over me, it kind of felt like a light blanket. There was some movement going on around my head, as if there was a hood being pulled over my head.

"Keep your eyes closed," he instructed again, adding, "I'm going to pick you up and take you upstairs so you can have a proper look at this in the mirror."

I nodded again before my legs were lifted from underneath me and an arm rest against my back. I felt Toshinori move forward before climbing up the stairs to the next floor of his house. I was eventually set back down onto the floor as soon as Toshinori came to a stop.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," he said.

I took in a breath before slowly opening my eyes. My gaze landed on my reflection in a full body mirror with Toshinori standing behind me. The item Toshinori had added to my costume was a red hooded cape clasped together at the front with a gold chain.

"Toshinori... I love it," I smiled.

"It's one of my old capes. I thought it would give you a more stealthier look, plus it will hide the weapons you create and place on your belt, so you'll be able to take an enemy by surprise," he explained.

This was one of his capes? I turned to face Toshinori, "Toshinori, you really didn't have to."

"I know I didn't. But I wanted to," he smiled back.

I took a step over to him and wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you," I whispered softly.

Toshinori wrapped his arms around me and chuckled softly, "Your welcome, I'm glad you like it. I couldn't have picked a better person to wear this."

A/N - Just for reference, the cape he gives Y/N is the one in the picture for this chapter, from his bronze age costume.

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