Episode 1 - The Beginning

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Olivia, Jesse, Reuben, and I were standing in our treehouse. I was sitting in one of the chairs, Jesse was practicing sword fighting while Olivia was working on some Redstone.

"Hey, Jesse. Would you rather fight a hundred chicken-sized zombies, or ten zombie-sized chickens? Just to be clear, you wouldn't have any weapons or armor. So you'd have to fight them with your hands." Olivia asked my brother as she stopped next to me.

"I'd have to go with the giant chickens. Not because I want to or because I think it would be easy, but because they would be an abomination." Jesse told her.

"Imagine their giant feet," Olivia said and I chuckled. "Like I said... An abomination." Jesse said before Olivia turned to me. "What would you pick, Crystal?" Olivia asked.

I thought for a moment before smirking. "Neither." I told them and the two looked over at me confused. "Why?" Jesse asked me.

"Because I would run away like a chicken," I told them. Jesse burst out laughing while Olivia chuckled. "You would do that," Olivia said before walking away from me as Jesse started to calm down.

"Soo... I've got a daylight sensor on the roof..."


"And if I did this right, these lamps should turn on once it gets dark."


Olivia put the last of the Redstone to finish the machine she was working on before turning back to us. "I didn't want to just leave Reuben here with nothing while we're at the building competition," Olivia said before Jesse stopped fighting the dummy and we looked over at her.

"He's coming with us," Jesse told her as Reuben stopped hitting the dummy. "Really?" Olivia asked him.

I stood up as Jesse put his sword back in his inventory. "What kind of question is that? Of course, he is!" I told her as Jesse walked up next to me with a nod.

"Okay, I'm not saying he shouldn't come. I'm not... but don't you think it's a little weird that you two take him with you everywhere you go? He kind of makes us look like... I don't know... amateurs." Olivia said as Reuben stood up on the chest near the window.

"Reuben's my best friend," Jesse said and Reuben smiled at him. "I thought we were your best friends," I said, touching my heart in fake sadness. "Both of you are," Jesse told Olivia and Reuben before turning to me.

"You're my sister," he told me and I chuckled. "True," I said with an eye roll. "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm glad he's coming. I just don't want to give people one more reason to call us losers." Olivia said as she walked back over to her Redstone as Jesse and I shared a look.

"I'm getting tired of it. I'm tired of being a laughingstock." Olivia added. "We are not losers, Olivia," Jesse told her before she turned back to look at us.

"We lose all the time. It's what we do." Olivia said before putting a hand on her hip. "Okay... Okay! That might be true..." Jesse muttered.

"I can't remember the last time we've won anything," Olivia muttered as she looked down. "But if that's the case... it means we win at being losers," I said before I shot my hands up into the air.

Jesse and Olivia started chuckling. "All right, fine," she said with a smile.


We looked down at the trap door before Jesse walked over to it.


"Oh, no..." Olivia muttered fearfully. Jesse kneeled down in front of it before the trap door burst open. "BOOM!"

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