Episode 1 - The Wither Storm And The Escape.

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We opened the door and walked out, us releasing a sigh of relief in unison. "Where are the others?" Lukas asked me. I was about to reply when we heard Jesse's voice.

"This creep's been building a monster down there! I'm telling you, he's trouble!" Jesse told him. "I would guess... There!" I said as I pointed to them and he chuckled. We then walked over to them. "Is that so? Well, as you all know, trouble is what I do best," Gabriel told the people.

"He doesn't believe us," Lukas whispered to me. "Gabriel. He's not making it up! We really need your help," I told him and Jesse and the others smiled at us, happy to see that we were okay.

Gabriel thought for a moment. "Hmm. Perhaps we should have this checked out..." Gabriel thought.

"I have a question for you,"

We looked over as we heard Ivor's voice as he walked closer to him. "Excuse me, sir. You'll have to wait your turn," Gabriel politely told him. "Just tell me first: Do you really believe anyone can be great?" Ivor asked him.

"With enough hard work. Yes," Gabriel told him, clearly confused. "Was that where I went wrong? I simply didn't work hard enough?" Ivor asked as he was at the front of the crowd, where Gabriel can clearly see him, and Gabriel's eye lit up in shock.

"Ivor? Is that really you? How dare you interrupt like this!" Gabriel told him with a glare. "They know each other?" I whispered to myself in shock. "That's the guy who attacked us in the basement!" Jesse told Gabriel.

Gabriel looked back at Jesse for a moment. "I wish I could say I was surprised," Gabriel said as he looked back at Ivor. "If it's surprises you want, you're in for a treat. Why don't you tell them the real story, Gabriel?!" Ivor asked as he walked towards the stage.

"I see time has made you bitter." Gabriel commented as Ivor walked up on the stage. "And it's made you an even bigger fool." Ivor snarled at him before they both looked back at the crowd.

"Now, these people were promised greatness. And I'm ready to deliver. I'm sorry this is how they had to learn the truth..." Ivor said as he walked towards a lever. I realized that's right below where the ingredients of the Wither were.

"Gabriel! You have to stop him!" I yelled out to him as Ivor flicked the lever. The Soul Sand and the weird block came up with two skulls already on. "Ivor, no!" Gabriel shouted as Ivor put the last skull on.

The force of the creature spawning threw them both of the stage. The Wither rise up as Ivor got up from the ground, "Creature. Attack!" Ivor commanded it.

The Wither roared before it flew up and it looked at Jesse, Reuben, and I as we backed away. People started screaming as the Wither shot a head at my brother, Reuben, and I but we moved out of the way before it hit us and the ground broke where we once stood.

The three of us backed away a little bit as the Wither shot another head at us. We moved again and the head hit the floor before the floor broke. As people ran out of the building, blocks started to rise and the Wither absorbed them.

"Everyone stay calm! This foul beast is no match for me!" Gabriel shouted as he pulled out a diamond sword. "Creature. Attack!" Ivor commanded the Wither as he pointed to Gabriel and it went over to him.

Gabriel jumped up and hit the weird block but he just fell back to the ground, doing no damage to it in the slightest. We looked at him in shock as Gabriel sat up. "What have you done?" he asked Ivor.

"Gabriel!" Jesse shouted as Gabriel stood up. "No! Stay away! It's after me, not you!" he told us before the Wither flew at us and we ducked down just in time.

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