Episode 2 - Magnus And Ellegaard

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"Previously on Minecraft Story Mode..." Jesse's voice echoed in the distance.

"Hero's can come from unlikely beginnings... And broken friendships can lead to dark rivalries. When the world is in danger, fate calls on the ordinary... To do extra-ordinary deeds. And go on journeys they had only dreamed of. Our heroes, thrown together by fate... Must now seek help from a legendary artisan of chaos. But the question remains... Will it be enough to save the world? To let Crystal finish what she started..."



I was putting the last of the quartz blocks on the inside of the temple. Olivia went off a while ago to get Ellegaard and just got back around five or ten minutes ago.

Lukas and I have also been talking and joking around, to be honest, he's not that bad of a guy, he's actually really nice. Don't tell Jesse this but... Lukas is better than him, I'm just saying. I would rather hang out with him than Jesse.

Also, you'll never guess who showed up. It was-


I looked over and saw Lukas walking over to me. "Got the wall finished?" he asked me and I nodded. "Yep. Just put down the last quartz," I told him with a smile.

He nodded before looking away and I thought I saw pink dusting his cheeks.

"Okay! Just a little farther!"

I looked over when I heard someone talking. "Who's that?" I asked as Lukas grabbed his bow. "Wow. Someone really went bonkers with the defenses, huh?" I heard someone else talking as I walked over to Lukas as he shot some arrows.

"Who goes there? Jesse? Is that you?" Lukas asked and I smiled. I slightly pushed Lukas out of the way before muttering an apology. "Child! You're okay!" I called out with a smile. "Hey, C!" Jesse called out with a wave.

Jesse then looked back to Lukas. "Lukas, C, did you two build all of this?" Jesse asked as she gestured to the front. Lukas and I shared a grin before looking back at him. "Well, yeah. It was Crystal's idea," Lukas said and I looked over at him.

"What? No! It was your idea, too!" I told him and he rolled his eyes with a smile. "It was our idea. We figured we would try and fortify the place, y'know?" Lukas told him. "Nice!" Jesse nodded.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "We're just so glad you're back!" I told him as I crossed my arms with a smirk. Axel waved as Jesse pointed behind while saying. "And we brought Magnus!"

Magus smiled with a nod.

"Fantastic!" Lukas called out with a smile. "Great job, Jesse. You finally did something good with your time," I told him and Axel started laughing. "Shut up!" he told me with a smile as I saw Magnus chuckle.

"We'll meet you down!" Lukas said before running in to open the door, with me following.

We got downstairs and Lukas opened the door as the four walked over to us. "Quick! Come on!" I told them and Lukas nodded with a smile. "You guys are never gonna believe who showed up while you were gone..." Lukas said as they walked in.

They leaned against the wall before getting off when they saw us.

"Petra!" Jesse shouted with a smile. Petra then walked over to us. "Hey, guys. How's it going?" she asked them. Reuben smiled before running around her with a smile. Petra kneeled down and pet him before getting up.

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