Episode 3 - Is Lukas Okay?

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We walked up to the ladder that was at the top of the stairs. "Whatever this is-" "It's a ladder, which goes up. Why are you asking about what this is?!" I cut Petra off and Olivia Axel laughed for a few seconds, Lukas snicked and Reuben smiled as Petra and Jesse glared at me.

"I meant that it's the way in," Petra argued and I raised an eyebrow. "I think we already got that since there's no door," I told her. "A-after you, dude," Axel said as he tried to breathe from laughing. "Here goes..." Jesse said before he started to climb the ladder.

Jesse opened the trapdoor that was at the top and got out... But we didn't hear anything. "What do you see?" Lukas called out. "Please don't say more stairs," Petra moaned.

"Are you dead?"

Everyone looked at me confused and I shrugged. "It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen," we heard Jesse call out as Lukas climbed the ladder, with me following behind me.

"So bright," Lukas groaned as he got out and I followed before covering my eyes. "Ahh! Light!" I said as my eyes adjusted to the light. Olivia followed us as we looked around.

The place looked like the Overworld but it... Made out of something... Jesse made his way down the hill as the three of us followed. I heard Axel screaming and I pulled Lukas out of the way just in time before Axel went past us. "Ow..." Axel groaned as he landed on his face.

"Thanks," Lukas told me with a smile. "You're welcome," I told him as the rest of us got to the bottom of the hill. "Hang on a second," we heard Jesse muttered as he walked closer to a tree.

"No, he's right... The ground is almost... Squishy. Like carpet," Olivia commented as we watched Jesse touch the tree. "What in the... It's made of wool!"

Jesse walked back over to us as we looked at him in shock. "This tree... The grass... It's all... Wool!" Jesse said as Lukas picked up a dark green piece of wool before walking over to us.

"You're telling me, we've been resting all our hope on this guy, and the whole time he's been building some... Totally artificial Happyland?" Lukas asked us. "Well... It's real wool," Axel replied. "It's real evidence that Soren is whacked," Lukas told him.

"Could it be that he just... Missed home?" Jesse suggested and I nodded.

That doesn't sound that far off the truth, if it is.

"If you missed home, you go and visit. You don't build an exact replica. Ugh! We came here for nothing" Lukas said as he put the wool into his inventory and started to walk off. "What are we even supposed to do now?" Lukas said as he walked away.

"We came here for Soren, and for his Formidi-Bomb. That's still the plan," Jesse said as he glared at Lukas and I nudged his arm. "Just look around, Jesse!" Lukas said as he turned to look at us.

"If the greatest builder of all time has spent years working on this, what're the chances he'll even have that bomb, huh? I've had enough crazy for one day!" Lukas said before he walked off.

"What's his problem? He seems pretty upset," Petra commented. "I don't know what's eating him," Jesse confessed before they all looked at me. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked them.

"Go talk to him," Olivia said and I looked at her shocked. "B-but... Doesn't he need space to calm down?" I asked them. "That may be true but... You're the closest to him out of all of us here. He might listen and talk to you," Olivia said and Petra nodded in agreement.

"I hate to say it but... They have a point," Axel said and I sighed. "Fine. I'll talk to him but... I'm gonna give him a little bit of space for a few minutes," I told them.

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