Episode 4 - Escape

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"Previously on Minecraft Story Mode..." Lukas' voice echoed through the distance.

"Everything in the universe starts out as just a block. What comes of those blocks is up to those who wield them. And in every block there lies the potential to create... Or destroy. Our friends have traveled far and wide in search of the Order of the Stone. And a way to stop the Wither Storm for good. But even well-laid plans can go awry. The strong can grow weak... And beloved heroes can fall. And though some glimmer of hope may remain... The threat to this world, to its very existence... is far from over,"



Lukas and I stared at Gabriel and the Wither Storm... WitherStorms in shock as Gabriel looked around confused. We could also hear people screaming in the background. "Where... Where am I? What's going on? What is all this? And what's that awful smell?" Gabriel questioned.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. Lukas and I are gonna get you out of here!" I told him, which Lukas nodded in agreement, but Gabriel looked confused. "What? Who are you both?" Gabriel asked as he took a step back.

"Well, um... I'm Lukas, this is Crystal," Lukas told him and I waved shyly. "Crystal! Crystal, where are you?!"

Lukas and I looked back to see Jesse and Reuben looking around for us worried. Lukas grabbed Gabriel's hand before we ran over to them. "Say something, Crystal!" Jesse shouted again.

"We're coming!" I shouted as we made our way over to Jesse and Reuben. Jesse looked over and did a double-take before he and Reuben ran over to us. "No way. No way! You two found Gabriel!" Jesse exclaimed with a smile.

"Who's Gabriel?" Gabriel questioned, which made Jesse look at Lukas and me confused. "Long story," Lukas informed him as I looked back at the WitherStorms. Each one had three heads and they were roaring.

"We need to get out of here, now!" I told them as Lukas let go of Gabriel's hand. We back away as Jesse yelled. "This way!"

The WitherStorms started shooting heads in our direction as Olivia appeared from behind a hill. "Crystal! Lukas! Jesse! You made it!" Olivia cheered as we hid behind the hill. Axel looked to his right and his eyes widened.

"And... Gabriel?!" Axel shouted and Petra looked up confused. "Did you say, Gabriel?" Petra asked confused as everyone looked at Gabriel in shock.

Suddenly, a tracker beam fell onto the hill we were hiding behind. "Look out!" Jesse shouted before we started running away as the tracker beam sucked up the hill.

I ran with Jesse next to me as the others went ahead when Endermen appeared in front of us. Jesse and I gasped before we watched the Endermen walking towards the WitherStorms. We saw Soren behind a tree and we ran over to him.

"Those Endermen are running the wrong way. They'll be killed!" Soren yelled and my eyes widened. "No!" I shouted in worry as Lukas ran up to us. "Soren?" he asked him.

"I can't stand by and watch! I'd be condemning them to death!" Soren yelled out. "Soren, what do you think you're doing?!?!" Jesse shouted and Soren looked at him.

"These Endermen are running directly into danger!" Soren told him. "You're putting us in danger every second you just stand there!" Jesse yelled at him. A Wither head hit the tree we were under and the four of us ran off following the others.

Soren ran ahead as Lukas stopped Jesse and I. "Crystal! Jesse! They're falling behind!" Lukas shouted, pointing behind him and we saw Axel helping Petra walk. "Axel! You gotta move faster!" I shouted to them.

Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Episode 1-4 {Lukas x OC}Where stories live. Discover now