OC Info - Episode 3

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Name: Crystal

Voiced by: Pamela Hayden

Biographical information

Marital status: Single

Also know as

Crystal (Everyone)

C (Jesse)

Physical information

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Hair color: Brown with pink highlights

Eye color: Emerald

Skin color: Beige

Family information

Brother: Jesse (Brother)


Occupation: To win the Endercon Building Completion (Formally)

To stop the Witherstorm.

To find Soren.







The Order


Curious, funny, can joke around, serious when she needs to, brave, kind, polite, sweet, adventurous, shy, sassy at times.


Crystal, along with her brother, Jesse. And her friends, Axel and Olivia, went to the Endercon building competition. Where they meet Lukas and the Ocelots who want to win, for the tenth time. Aidan gets Reuben's costume on fire and he runs off into the forest. Jesse, Axel, Olivia, and Crystal run off to find him.

After Jesse and Crystal find Reuben and then meet up with Petra, she told them about her Wither Skull. They made it to Endercon and so the deal with Ivor but he tricks them with a Lapis.

Crystal meets up with Lukas and they talk, and Crystal realizes that Lukas isn't that bad of a guy. They soon get slime balls they need to create a distraction and head inside the keynote.

They find out that Ivor is planning to summon the Wither with the three Wither Skulls he collected. When they leave the basement, they realize that Lukas is still down there and Crystal goes back for him.

Jesse tries to convince Gabriel that Ivor is trying to summon the Wither but he doesn't believe him at first until Ivor shows his face. The Wither gets summoned and Gabriel asks Crystal, Jesse, Petra, Axel, Lukas, and Olivia for help with defeating the Wither and they agree.

When they get to Gabriel's, Petra and Gabriel got stuck in a tracker beam as well Crystal. Lukas saved Crystal and Jesse got hit into them and they went through the portal, but Crystal and Lukas didn't see who Jesse saved.

Once they got out of the Nether, they built a treehouse to stay. Axel and Lukas started fighting but Crystal and Jesse try to stop them. Lukas was about to leave but Crystal told him to stay.

The next morning, they find the temple and they found out that Ivor used to be part of the Order. Lukas, Crystal, and Olivia stay behind while Jesse, Reuben, and Axel go to get Magnus.

Lukas, Crystal, and Olivia got to work on the temple but an hour after Jesse, Axel, and Reuben left to go get Magnus, she left to get Ellegaard.

After Crystal finished half the front of the temple, Olivia and Ellegaard showed up with Petra following after a few minutes. Just as Crystal finished the front, Jesse, Axel, Reuben, and Magnus got back, and Petra explained what happened to him.

Ellegaard and Magnus didn't get along at all and Crystal knew that it wouldn't end well. They formed a plan to get the Super TNT to stop the Witherstorm.

As they found out Soren's location, they find out that Ivor is heading to Soren's mountain and they head out to stop him. When they got there, Ellegaard and Magnus leave the gang and Petra tells Jesse and Crystal in private that she has Wither Sickness.

They find Ivor and the three of them fight before Axel, Olivia, and Lukas join them but Ivor gets away and locks the heroes in the room with no way out.


I hope you like Crystal

Also, this is what Jesse looks like in this story.

I hope you enjoy this story.

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