Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After the formalities were done, they were shown into a reception room, where the family gathered to greet Ashley with open arms into the family fold. Very warm and receptive, once more introduced to each member.

Tarazi was behind her, while his father did the introductions.

The most surprising one was Hussein's wife, Rosemary, this delicate, tiny-looking beauty of darker skin, inky black hair, and deep dark soulful eyes. So gently in speech and mannerisms, painfully shy, seeking out her husband, who was a different man from the one she met the other day.

His sternness melted away when his wife looked up at him as she spoke to him in Arabic.

"My wife apologises for her English is not good."

"My Arabic is worse," she smiled. "Perhaps we can teach each other." Hussein's eyes narrowed; jaw tightened. "Only if Rosemary wants to." For the longest time, he stared at her, feeling Tarazi stiffen behind her, until she reached behind, touching his hand.

Let it be, having his hand placed on the small of her back.

Rosemary leaned closer to her husband, who towered over her in height and size. Nodding, he glanced across. "Perhaps you can visit my wife. She prefers to stay in her home."

"Of course," she beamed. "That would be lovely at Rosemary's convenience." Hussein inclined his head and passed it on. The princess smiled and nodded, adding a glow to her stunning features.

"Thank you. That is very generous of you. We can get in contact with your assistant."

"That would be Layla."

"For now, until everything has settled, set it up through my office. Ashley works from there," Tarazi offered. "Thank you, brother." He inclined his head, and they moved on. Once done, refreshments and appetisers were served. The princesses flocked around Ashley, while Tarazi joined the men.

All stilled as the doors opened and the Queen entered in all her glory, sucking the air from Ashley's lungs. "Magnificent," she breathed. All in awe as Queen Adela passed in all her finery, a classic beauty until she paused in front of Ashley, who curtsied and stood, her face taken into her hands, her cheeks kissed three times.

"Welcome, dear child, to the family. I trust you all to look after our newest princess." Ashley gulped. Not so sure that was such a good thing, yet all the princesses agreed happily. Adela turned her attention to Rosemary and touched her cheek, speaking to her in Arabic. Whatever she said was something special. Touching Ashley could feel it, then spoke to the others.

Ashley searched out Tarazi with her eyes. Excusing himself, Tarazi joined the women and greeted his mother warmly. "Anything I should be worried about?" he whispered, for his mother's ears only. His mother glanced at him sideways, sending a private message. She was fine. "Talk amongst yourself. I will join you later." She walked Tarazi away. "Son, you must let Ashley find her own feet," she warned in soft tones. "Give her space."

"She is not from our world, is young and inexperienced for such matters."

"Are you sure about that? You saw how Rosemary connected with her. This is good. Finally, healing."

"I'm not sure Hussein will allow it. I have opened the door, we shall see."

His mother peered up at him. "You have always had more freedom than Hussein that he desired, yet can't because, if anything happened to Idris, he has to step in. You were lucky Tarazi, given a way to have your one true love. Do not let it cause a ripple throughout the palace."

"You don't know what this means to me, us. Ashley's and my only purpose is now to give our home what it deserves. Between that I need to take her home to visit her family, also need to ask one favour," he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

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