Chapter Twenty-Three

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Entering a valley much larger than the last one, the mountain cliffs were high. The waters oasis was wider, longer, and deeper even had a waterfall cascading from the back mountain cliff into the oasis. No hidden ledge for camping, just sheer rock cliff faces.

One way in, one way out.

Tarazi led the other camels off to the side, through trees, vanishing from sight as if they were never been there. Hidden behind the trees was an entrance to a cave they headed into.

The ride had taken most of the day. Water and food were provided for the ride. Ashley was more concerned about the travel on Tarazi, who was still recovering from the gunshot wound, even if attended by a doctor and stitched. The constant movement and heat of the day, sharing a camel, not wanting two separate targets.

Not that he was expecting another attempt upon them.

Not even sure who the target was.

"Oh, my, are we in Aladdin's cave?"

"One filled with unique treasures."

"Not of the stolen riches variety," she glanced up behind her at the man who had kept her secure, the entire time, his arm firmly around her waist.

Only to gasp as they went in deeper and grew lighter, coming upon a hidden body of water, sunlight seeping through the top, reflexing across the pool of teal waters, glistening like sparkling diamonds.

Kneeling the camel, Tarazi helped Ashley down to the rocky ground with his good arm, then swung his leg over and slid off to the ground, holding her against him until she found her ground feet again.

One by one the camels knelt, settling in a natural cave. "Another hidden treasure."

"Correct. A perfect place to hide. No one would find us here." She looked around, discovering no pitched tents or some sort of site to indicate any sort of living area. Then across towards the laden down camels.

"Let me guess, we set up our own campsite?"

"Not quite. Come with me. I'll come back later after I settle you in."

"Not in this lifetime. You only have one good arm. I'm not some delicate creature that can't pull her weight." Pushing out of his hold, she went to one camel and started releasing the attached bag that dropped to the ground with a thud, not expecting it to be so heavy.

"Always so stubborn," he whispered behind her. With ease, he lifted the bag and placed it off towards the side.

"Looking after the prince, not being stubborn, more to do with friends who can't accept help," she challenged.

"Let's put everything here." He pointed towards the bag already there. "We can come back later after we have caught our breaths."

Agreeing, they unpacked the camels, unsaddled, leaving them to wander around here. Retrieving the rifle that he shouldered, Tarazi guided her away to a hidden door, entering an elevator that took them up through the mountains, coming out into an entrance within.

Opening a thin, tall cupboard, Tarazi placed the rifle under lock and key. They headed down a lit-up corridor, as if they were in the mountain itself, doors sliding into the wall as they approached, an enormous living area that was Aladdin's dream palace.

All walls are covered in heavy and light sheer curtains and draped from the ceiling to give the illusion of a tent's interior. Persian rugs covered the floor, overlaying each other. Scattered throughout were oversized cushions, ottomans, tables with lanterns, even glass beaded lamps, and potted palms, with an overstuffed sofa at the back of the room. An explosion of colour, of orange, reds, yellows with touches of earthy brown.

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