Chapter Two - The Barrel

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The group Saiyans stood in front and looked into a valley. A warm wind was blowing past the warriors, dust came up in the air. It was clear that in this place had been fought on more than once. Among the purple grass were burnt patches and bushes had no leaves left at all. In the middle stood a burnt tree. It was a grim side to look at. Vegeta looked to the side and beside him stood a small captain, her pure snow white hair was in far contrast with the grim battlefield before them.

Vegeta licked his lips as he saw the rebels approaching on the other side. The Queen's army waited obediently for a command, but the Saiyans clearly had their own plan. The three warriors prepared for a direct attack "gentleman's wait". The petite captain called them to a halt. The Saiyan prince cast an offended glance, but unexpectedly she nodded and Vegeta began to laugh mischievously.

With great noise and loud shouts, Nappa and Raditz flew into the air and towards the rebels. Vegeta swung his tail back and forth for a brief moment and then began to walk towards the rebels at a very leisurely pace. Beside him the captain walked along, Vegeta started to smirk and asked "aren't your men going to fight Captain?" Sweetly the girl smiled "I want to know how you guys fight before I throw my men into the mix".

As a rebel flew at the prince, the Saiyan prince had an amusing laugh. The rebel was grabbed by the throat and Vegeta broke his neck. At high speed Vino begin to dance through the rebel army and here and there men fell down. Nappa roared like a savage through the rebels and Raditz grabbed two men by the head and smashed them together. A loud scream from Vino and Queen's army also moved into the valley with the lieutenant in front.

The rebels were quickly overthrown and many fled back into the woods. While the Saiyans wanted to follow them Vino stopped them. Vegeta didn't like that he wasn't in charge and wanted to grab the captain by her throat. The petite female managed to avoid the Saiyan and all eyes were suddenly on the two leaders of both teams. Vegeta momentarily snapped his neck loose "were you looking for a real opponent?" Vino flew at the prince but Vegeta was unexpectedly quick and knocked her to the ground.

Quickly back on her feet, the captain flew towards the prince again. But she was much faster and kicked the prince in his back, Vegeta grabbed her ankle and threw her away. With a slide Vino came to a stop and the two flew at each other again both with grins on their faces. Suddenly an energy ball flew between the two fighters. All eyes were on the lieutenant "are you two done? we fancy a drink here" Vegeta did not know what he heard for a moment. Vino looked pleased "oh yes yummy, boys are you coming? On to the barrel!"

As the army walked away, the three Saiyans stood watching in amazement. Nappa was the first to say something "Uh prince, the rebels are gone". Heavily annoyed Vegeta looked at the forest. Raditz sighed "and now?". Vegeta's eyes slid to the army walking out of the valley "we are also going to this barrel place. Let's find out what this army is up to. Something funny is going on here". The three Saiyans walked behind the group at a steady pace. Vegeta was lost in thought, something about this army was not right. For a moment he looked back at the battlefield, there had been few casualties, this was strange.

The group became smaller, some soldiers took other turns. A small group remained and walked into the village bordering the palace. With a charming smile Vino turned around and addressed the prince "you can walk with us you know. We don't bite." Playfully Malbec her lieutenant turned around "well most of the time we don't." The white haired ones were laughing, the Saiyans were looking serious and cautious. Still they wondered how these individuals could be so relaxed after a fight they clearly hadn't even won. Suddenly the group stopped and Everyone stared at the Saiyans. Vino took a step towards the fighters "guys relax, we are going to have a drink and have fun. I don't want any trouble". Vegeta grinned "no problem cap".

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