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When Althea had told her brother about the encounter with the Marauders the night before, she was not expecting him to get so angry

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When Althea had told her brother about the encounter with the Marauders the night before, she was not expecting him to get so angry. He had been absolutely livid when she had told him how James had threatened her and Sirius had gotten angry that Kazz had stood up for her. He couldn't believe the audacity of the people that claimed to be her friends.

"How dare they?! When I get my hands on them I'm going to kill them!" Jace screamed as he continued to pace her common room.

As much as Althea appreciated her brother standing up for her, she was not comfortable reliving last nights incident, "Can we not do this right now?"

Jace froze in his rant before looking at his sister and it was not good. She looked utterly exhausted, both mentally and physically and looked like she was shaking. He hated seeing her like that, he knew how bad her anxiety could get and the last thing he wanted was to be the cause of that.

"I'm sorry."

Althea shook her head as she snuggled into the covers, "You're just trying to protect me but right now I'm just really tired and I don't want to talk about it." The more she thought about the confrontation, the worse her anxiety got. She knew Jace was just trying to protect her but she didn't want to talk about it.

Jace sat next to her, softly caressing her hair, "What can I do to help?"

Althea grabbed a book from the nightstand next to her bed, "Read to me?" One thing that always helped her calm down was when someone read to her, especially her twin. Whenever she had a nightmare or couldn't sleep, Jace always read to her and she'd be out within minutes.

Jace laughed with a smile, "Anything for you." He knew how much she loved having someone read to her, something about it just soothed her. Most of the time she didn't even have to ask but when they were younger, she would walk over to him slowly, with a book in her hands and a pout on her face, and he just never could refuse her.

 Most of the time she didn't even have to ask but when they were younger, she would walk over to him slowly, with a book in her hands and a pout on her face, and he just never could refuse her

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The next couple of days had been hard for Althea. Her nightmares were getting worse, her anxiety was at an all time high and all she did was do here school work or practice for quidditch. Her friends, family and boyfriend had been especially worried but she refused to talk and the last thing they wanted was to force her to talk about something she wasn't ready to face.


The young witch froze as she heard a voice from behind her. She knew who it was but she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. All she wanted was to finish reading the section she needed for her essay before going back to her dorm to sleep.

"Go away."

"Please just listen to me. I want to apologise."

Althea scoffed, "I don't want an apology from you, Remus. I trusted you. You were supposed to be my friend and you let me down. I needed you and you turned on me without a second thought. I was there for you when you were bit and going through the full moon by yourself yet when I need you to return the favour, you turn your back on me? You're a coward Remus and I want nothing to do with you." If there was one person she never thought would turn on her, it was Remus. The two had been through so much before either of them had even come to Hogwarts but clearly she cared more about him than he did her.

"I'm sorry." He sighed.

Althea shook her head, "You don't get to apologise now. I needed an apology a year ago. Now, all I need is for you to piss off and let me be happy. I deserve to be happy."

"You do and I should never have let their friendship influence me like that. I should have been there for you like I promised. I should have been a better friend. I'm sorry. I let you down and I'll spend the rest of my life making up for it." Remus promised.

Althea exhaled, "Nothing you say is going to make up for the pain you have caused. I know because of who I am, I will eventually forgive you but I will never forget what you did to me. I'm going to be moving on with my life and all you can do is watch. Watch how far I've come despite what you did to me. You and I, we're done."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do and you have no idea how good it feels to finally say it to your face."

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