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The siblings had spent weeks looking over their grandmothers things, understanding how her powers worked and what she could do to prevent something from happening if it was bad

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The siblings had spent weeks looking over their grandmothers things, understanding how her powers worked and what she could do to prevent something from happening if it was bad. It had been many nights of no sleep while their parents continued to search for their grandmother under the radar, it hadn't been easy as they didn't trust many people but that morning they had gotten a letter from their mother stating that they needed to talk. They knew Dumbledore could intercept their mail so meeting in person was safer. It just to happened that it was Hogsmeade weekend and they could meet at Honeydukes.

"You sure it's safe to meet here?" The siblings knew it was safer if they were the only once's to go and meet their parents, ensuring that no one knew something was up.

Their mother smiled as she ushered them into the room, hugging them and pressed a kiss to their head, "It is safe. We have taken precautions and nothing will happen to us. Everyone thinks we're in Ireland visiting family so if they're asked, they all have the same story. No one knows we're here."

"Why did you ask us to come here?" Jace asked confused as they sat down in front of their parents.

Their father grinned, "We found your mother."

"What!" The siblings yelled in unison.

Their parents laughed at their faced before their mother continued, "We found your grandmother. She's in a safe place, somewhere Dumbledore will never be able to access. We've got all the evidence needed to get him fired as Headmaster and have his title as Chief Warlock revoked. We may also have gotten Skeeter to write an article in the Daily Prophet for tomorrow morning." Their family had many properties all over the world that had wards and could only be accessed using blood so they were glad to know that their grandmother would be safe from the backlash of whatever would happen with Dumbledore. They were glad that their grandmother would finally get the justice that she deserved, not only for herself but her friend too. Too many people had been hurt by Dumbledore and it was time he got exposed for what he was and how he had hurt people.

"Wait, seriously? You found nana?" Althea asked softly.

Her mother nodded, "We did. It took a while but she's safe and we got everything we needed to bring down that man. Now, I need you both to listen to me." The twins looked at each other in apprehension before looking back at their mother who continued talking, "Dumbledore is going to know you both know what is going on and that you might have had something to do with it. I want you both to take care of each other. I need you to stay vigilant. He's a dangerous man and we know he'll do anything to get rid of those that oppose him. Tomorrow is not going to be easy, it will be the start of something new and we have no idea what will happen. Jace, I need you to protect your sister and take care of yourself, if anything happens, please let us know. Althea, you need to keep practicing your powers and watch over your shoulder, I know it's scary but hes scared of you and we need you safe. Look after each other and take care of yourself."

"We will, don't worry."

Albus Dumbledore: Not the man we thought he wasIt has been revealed that Albus Dumbledore started the First War

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Albus Dumbledore: Not the man we thought he was
It has been revealed that Albus Dumbledore started the First War. He had put Grindwald under the Imperio Curse and used him to turn the Wizarding World against each other. The drove Grinewald's best friend Nora Rivers, a powerful seer, into hiding when he figured out that she knew the truth. Nora has come forward with proof that Dumbledore and Grindewald were a couple but that Grinewald didn't want to start a war so Dumbledore forced him. With this evidence, he has had his title as Chief Warlock revoked and now, his title as Headmaster is being debated in court with the Rivers Family leading the fight.

The siblings stared at the article as the Great Hall erupted in an uproar. Those in Slytherin had a smirk on their faces, they had never liked the Headmaster, hated that he discriminated against them despite his boyfriend once being a Slytherin. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw remained indifferent, they never really interacted with them man especially since he was known for showing favouritism to Gryffindors. Gryffindors, on the other hand, were livid and were screaming their protests. How could Dumbledore be evil? How could he be the bad guy?

"How is this possible?"

"Dumbledore wouldn't do this."

"He's evil?"

"How could he do this?"

"This is their fault."

"The Rivers family is responsible for this."

Althea rolled her eyes as she listened to the Gryffindors cry about their Saviour. They had no idea who Dumbledore was and now that they knew the truth about him, they didn't want to believe. They would much rather blame a child than understand what their Saviour was capable of.

"What did you do?" Potter spat as he walked over to her. The male had always been up Dumbledore's ass and would refused to listen to what anyone else had to say. Black, Lupin and Pettigrew right behind, of course they were always wherever he was.

She rolled her eyes as she continued to eat her breakfast while reading the Daily Prophet, "I didn't do anything. Leave me alone. If you have an issue, go to your Head of House. Whatever problems you have, it has nothing to do with me so go away."

As James tried to grab her, Jace got in his face, "Touch my sister, I will kill you. I don't care who you think you are or what you think but my family did the right thing, something that you clearly do not understand. Touch the people I care about, I will kill you. Stay away."

"Your family has no idea what they've done."

"We did the right thing and if you can't see that, that says more about you than us."

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