Part 22

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Lindsey wasn't all that excited about coming home for the first time ever. Usually, he couldn't wait to see his family; kiss his wife, tell her how much he loved her, catch up with the kids, make sure they were doing well in school. Right now, he was nervous. Of course, he'd missed all of them, but at the same time, coming home somehow just didn't feel right.

"Dad's home!" Ella announced, having heard a car pulling into the driveway. 

Adam, with slightly less enthusiasm, rolled his chair away from his computer and got up to his feet. Before going downstairs, he stopped by the master bedroom and pushed the ajar door open.

"You need help getting out of the bed?"

"No, I'll manage." Stevie shook her head. In all honesty, she wanted to remain in bed and wait for Lindsey to come if he wanted to see her. She couldn't handle his rejection.

"Welcome home!" Ella shrieked, coming outside before Lindsey even reached the front door.

"Hi, sweetheart." He smiled, forgetting his things for a second he hugged her tightly. "It's so good to see you."

"I've missed you." Ella said, then took a step back. "Hi, Tom." She waved, when he got out of the car.

"My God, when did you get so tall?" Tom took off his sunglasses and hooked them around the neckline of his T-shirt.

"I haven't grown an inch for like a year." Ella laughed, shaking her head.

"It's good to have you back." Adam approached his father and they too shared a hug. "Tom." He nodded at Lindsey's assistant. "I'll help you bring these inside."

Stevie remained in the house. She wanted to join in, but she didn't feel like she was allowed to. She went to sit in the family room, waiting anxiously she began fidgeting with her wedding ring. Minutes later, the voices grew louder and the front door closed. He heartbeat picked up pace, wondering if Lindsey even cared enough to come, say, hello.

"Should I put these in the bedroom?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, these two." Stevie heard Lindsey respond. "The rest are going back to the studio."

He didn't have to speak up, she felt his presence behind her as soon as he came into the room. He remained quiet and she pretended that she didn't know he was standing there.

"Aren't you even going to say, hi?" Lindsey asked.

Slowly, Stevie turned to look at him. "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to."

He sighed and came closer. He took in her appearance, she looked better than the last time he saw her a little over a month and a half ago. It was a sign of her taking care of herself and he was relieved to know that.

Lindsey held out his hand and a little unsure Stevie used it to stand up. She was genuinely surprised, when he embraced her, she held onto him firmly. She felt tears welling up in her eyes yet again, it was normal to her lately. 

"I love you." Stevie said, drawing back.

Lindsey exhaled heavily and cradled her face in his hands. "I love you, too." He leaned in to kiss her and it almost fooled her, she almost believed that this was a good sign. One of Lindsey's hands traveled lower and rested on her slightly swollen abdomen. He smiled.

"I went to a check-up yesterday, things seem to be going well." Stevie said, covering his hand with hers. 

"I'm glad to hear it." Lindsey nodded then took a seat on the couch, she did as well. "I, uh... I've been thinking." He paused, clasping his hands together. "About everything." He added. "Tonight I'll stay here. We'll spend time as a family as we do, when I come back, but..." He cast his eyes down, he couldn't look at her. "But I've rented a place and I'll move in there tomorrow."

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