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I don't own Naruto or any characters in this story because I'm too stupid. Anyways welcome back to the story, let's start now!!

Hinata's POV

I'm the only one who can fight now, I thought but the struggle with Naruto-Kun was too much however when I looked at the stranger, he was taking away Gaara-Kun and Iniko-Chan.

"Whe- where are you taking them!" I said courageously, getting the stranger's attention as he faced my way.

"I'm taking them to my hideout, are you coming or do you need help with that Uzumaki kid, don't worry I don't bite," The man called out as he was still walking away.

"I'm- I'm coming! W- wait!" I said loudly, adjusting Naruto on my back before following the man into the darkness of the forest....

After some minutes

"We're finally here! Home sweet home!"  The man said smiling, not like before, "Oh I forgot! My name is Nahiko Uchiha, nice to meet you!"

As for his appearance, he had short black hair though he had a fringe that almost covered his eyes, pale skin and an unusual scar diagonally across his mouth. He looked scary at first sight but when he smiles, he looks harmless to even be a shinobi.

An Uchiha, I thought they all died by the hands of Itachi Uchiha, except for Sasuke, I thought suspiciously but still introduced myself politely. 

The area we were, looked almost magical like in the stories that we were told when we were kids, with a big cottage that was the size of the Hokage's Office and a big waterfall, filled around with all kind of flowers.

Probably used for antidotes and poisons, I thought before he let the other rest in the cottage while we had a small talk.

"So what do you want from our team exactly," I said cautiously, fiddling around with my tiny fingers.

"Oh about that! You said you wanted a teacher right, I can be that, I'm not that good but I can try,"

My eyes widened at the answer , "Really! You really would! We're trying to train for the Chunin Exams!"

"The Chunin Exam! I think I've heard of it somewhere, anyways the training is going to be hard you know!" Nahiko joked, patting my head softly and I liked it.

Before I answered with enthusiasm, a scream was heard from inside the house and it sounded like Naruto, he sounded terrified and scared.

In one second, there was a yellow bolt of lighting came over to stay right behind me and eventually the rest came out outside too. After explaining the situation, we all agreed that we should stay and train, well expect from person....

"I don't trust you Nahiko Uchiha, and I never will, you will always be an enemyin my eyes!"

Hey guys! Finally back! Anyways this is the start of the training, which take one or two chapters, it depends on you. I hope you all had a good summer holiday, anyways bye!!!

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