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"NIKOLAI LANTSOV, LOOK WHAT YOU TO MY KEFTA!" The girl yelled as she chased the boy. He had kicked mud onto her Kefta.

"Kat, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" The boy yelled back while climbing into a tree. "It was an accident," the boy said laughing.

"Seriously Nikolai, it's not funny," the girl said looking into the tree. "This was my last clean Kefta and I have to train in an hour."

"I can get it cleaned if you want, or..." he said trailing off.

"Or what?" She said with a huff.

"You could skip training and we can mess around in the palace," the boy said with a sneaky grin.

"You mean mess with Vasily." The boy nodded in response. "But my dad will get mad," the girl said tugging at the sleeves of her kefta

"I'll just tell him you were helping me with something," the boy said. "Come on Kat, don't be a boring Darkling like your dad. Besides, live life while you can, future General Kirigan."

"Fine," the girl said. She waited for the boy to climb down from the tree and they started to walk to the palace. "Also, don't call me a future general, I'd rather be a crook than a general,"

"Well Kat, if you become General of the Second Army and I become King one day, we would basically be ruling together," the boy said, nudging the girl, "And we would make a great team."

"Nikolai, you're 12 and I'm 11, we still have many years before that stuff even gets close to happening."

"Yeah, you're right."


8 years later- 7 years after Nikolai left for the army

The Sun Summoner, that's all I've been able to hear about the past 3 days. It's quite annoying, like yeah the Sun Summoner is important and everything, but I really don't care too much right now.

"Kat! Have you heard the news?" Genya said, as she walked up to me.

"What news, besides the obvious?" I ask, Genya and I have been friends since school, we both are like everyone else, but so different at the same time.

"The Sun Summoner is coming to the Little Palace today!" Genya said with a bright smile.

"Ok, cool I guess," I said, "Why are you smiling about that so much, gonna get with the Sun Summoner instead of David?"

"What? No! Of course not," Genya said blushing a bit, "I'm just excited to meet her, I get to make her look nice for the King."

"Well if you're not gonna get with her, I might have to," I said with a laugh.

"What happened with waiting for the Prince?"

"Genya, he left 7 years ago, he's probably not going to come back for a long time, and besides I was 12 when he left. We're both probably very different now." And it was true. I am very different, I'm not a dumb little girl skipping her trainings anymore. I'm 19, training everyday to defend Ravka, even got a girlfriend at one point, then a boyfriend, but those didn't end well.

"Well, I think you two could still make a good team, anyways the Queen probably need attending, see you later Kat,"

"Bye Genya." I waved and then started to walk away.

Honestly I still wonder when Nikolai will come back, we were still so young when he decided to go join the army, but I think it was good for him. I heard he got kind of high in the ranks and is well respected, then he left to go be an apprentice or something. He probably won't come home until his father dies so he can fight Vasily for the throne. Nik would make a way better King than Vasily though, Vasily is an asshole that thinks he is so much better than everyone but he can't even defend himself from someone with a sword.

I checked the time, 11:13, almost the time to train with Botkin at 11:20. I train with Botkin alone for 3 days of the week because my father requested. His reasoning was, "She needs more training because people will be after her until the day she eventually dies," that scared me. I was only 9 then.



End of the first chapter. Sorry it's short but I felt like this was a good stopping point. I think I'm going to be writing a lot tonight so I can maybe get up to chapter 3 done? Also, because of the storyline in my head I could make this a Tolya x OC fanfic. Lowkey tempted to do that because I feel like in Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising Tolya isn't talked about a ton. What do you think? Or I could just write 2 stories. Ok, I'm rambling. Anyways thanks for reading and if you like this please comment and vote!


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