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I'm back. Sorry for being gone.
Also this one is going to be confusing probably.

Tw: implied drug abuse

His leg bounced rapidly as his gaze burned into the pavement, thoughts flowing from all directions coming and leaving. Everyone's voice was muffled around him, his hazy stare shifted up wards away from the ground and more towards the shops.

His thoughts were interrupted when his blonde scraggily hair was ruffled by the large hands of his brother figure, who grinned down at him.

"Hey we're leaving, why are you still sitting here?" The younger nodded, and shrugged.

"Sorry I must've zoned out thinking about women and Vikstar." The twenty four year happily took that answer and Tommy eyes wandered landing on a tall red head lady, her forest green eyes shined in the sun as she bounced around, widely grinning. She just seemed like a overall bubbly person.

He then quickly glanced back at Wilbur, who was speaking to George about Bitcoin. Then Tom looked back to see the girl completely disappeared, where to? He wandered.

"Hey Tom can you sign this?" Tubbo asked coming out of no where, the younger rose a eyebrow. "Me and Ranboo are doing a race to see who's doing the most signatures, please."

The seventeen year old didn't say anything, he just slowly raised his shaky hand to sign. Tubbo took note of his shakiness, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Did you hurt your hand or something? Your shaking pretty badly." Tubbo asked pointing it out.

"Yea I landed on my bed the wrong way earlier today, sorry." He weakly smiled, scratching his Adam's apple once he was done signing. There was two of the older boy, one of them looked like a more transparent version overlapping the real Tubbo.

"Oh well, expect Ranboo to ask you sign as well." Tubbo was skeptical it was obvious even in Tommy's ears where his voice was echoey and scratchy.

When they sat down at restaurant Tommy sat at the end in a booth next to George, he stared away from the table looking at all the people in the restaurant. 

"Tommy how have you been? Today was the first time we heard from you in what a week? Which is cool, I'm just wondering-"

"I've been alright." Tommy slowly said as he shifted his gaze toward the dark haired man. "What about you mate?"

"I've been alright." Better than you have, George honestly wanted to say. He noticed the dark bags under the once bright blue eyes, and how shaky he was. But he simply pretended to ignore, now wasn't the time to pry.

The electrical orbs wandered away once again, spotting the same ginger female from earlier. She was outside the window looking at him, this time her Demeanor was different, her hair was knotty, dirty, and frizzy she looked like she had spent months in a forest. Holes and stains littered her clothing, she no longer was bubbly and smiley.

She waved her hand toward herself, signaling to come toward her. He looked back at the table, a heavy feeling weighed in his chest as he watched them laugh at something.

"Hey I'll be right back." He whispered to George.

The seventeen year old boy plodded towards the restaurants back doors, there she stood ten feet away waiting for him. He waddled over to her, she was tiredly slouched over looking at him.

"Follow me." She simply said walking in another direction, Tommy glanced back through the window at his friends who happily smiled. Still there was still double of everyone, it hurt his eyes. So he decided to follow her.

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