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Pretend like Harry Potter And Ginny didn't have any other children in this fic, he just has one named his Tommy and Dumbledore still alive and just like Harry, Tommy has been through shit. Bc would it really bc a Raekensliam fic if he hadn't. Oh and Harry and draco are best friends bc I lowkey ship them:) and Eryn is Malfoys son.

The golden blonde sighed as he slumped down in his chair, the blue screen reflected onto his eyes as heat blazed through the vents. He lifted his head back and groaned, his father never must of forgot to pay for air conditioning.

His hand hovered over the mouse, his eyes were heavy almost about to close completely. But he shook it off, downing his coke and putting on a fake grin.

He pressed the 'go live' button welcoming his chat to the stream, his icy blue orbs lighting up at the many pog champs flying through the chat.

After he finished his stream, he let out a sigh of relief. He had been trying to get as many streams in before he goes back to hogwarts for his seventh year. Professor Dumbledore lets him have his monitor set up in a hidden room, which he's grateful for.

His computer started to ring, he looked up to see Wilbur was calling with techno, Ranboo, Tubbo, Philza, Fundy, Quackity and Nikki.

He rolled his eyes uncontrollably, he didn't feel like talking to his friends. But he pressed accept any way.

He cleared his throat ready to pretend to be enthusiastic, voices rumble through the call. Tommy winced a bit at the loud voices of Alex and Wil yelling at each other.

"SHUT TH- OH WAIT TOMAS YOU HAVE JOIN!!" The shorter screeched.

"HELLO BIG Q MY FRIEND!!" He screamed back, softly laughing a bit. "But why'd you guys call me?"

"Oh yea, we were wondering if you want to meet up in Brighton?" The younger nodded forgetting that they couldn't see him, he knew in a just three weeks he won't be able to see any of them for a long while.

"YES!- I mean I'm just going to have to ask my dad, I'll be right back." The sixteen year old sprinted out of his bedroom, to his living room.

"Dad!" He said happily, the brunette looked glanced up at him grinning.

"What's up, Toms?"

"Can i go to Brighton to meet up with Wilbur and my other friends?" The older pressed his lips together, looking back at the tv, a light smile spreading across his lips.

"Sure Tommy, just no magic." The younger nodded vigorously running to back to go tell his friends.

"Guys I CAN GO!!" A whole bunch of cheers echoed through the call, making him smile widely creases made in his cheeks and near his eyes.

A couple days later he had packed his back, may or may not of packed his wand even against his fathers wishes.

He hugged Harry, as he waved him goodbye. Walking to his best friends black shiny car.

"Hey Wilby!"

"DID YOU JUST CALL ME WILBY!!" Tommy scrunched his face pretending to be disgusted.

"NO!" They bantered back and forth for a minute, after while though the car fell silent, the teenager sat there texting his friends.



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