I know its been three years but...

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Boomerna real name is Dylan btw :)

The teenager sprinted his blonde fluffy hair bouncing up and down, sometimes hitting his sweaty red painted forehead. His laughter echoed through out the convention as Ranboo chased after him.

The Dream smp made it to vidcon, and Tommy couldn't be more happier to be there. He had finally came to a stop, breathing loudly as his head hung low.

"Damn your faster than I thought." Ranboo said as he caught up to him, a light chuckle escaped the younger's lips. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as his gaze wandered around the place.

"IT SMELLS SOUR LIKE FUNKY!!!" He heard the familiar voice scream behind him, the duos head turned slowly to see a grinning teen in a purple hoodie and black tracks pants. Tommy's smile dropped as he saw who was next to him, the man was blonde and wore a white hat with a green frog on it.

The nineteen year old barked of laughter at the seventeen year old, glancing up. Both of the icy blue orbs locked for half of second, a twinge of hurt hit the child's heart as he watched the bedwar boys walk away.

Time skip

Wilbur, Tommy, George, sapnap and Karl all sat in metal chairs on a stage, a huge crowd surrounded them as they spoke. The sixteen year olds feet bounced anxiously as he watched George speak.

"Thank you George, now I have a question for you Tommy?" A small smile appeared as he nodded, "Since your a only child, how does it feel for the Dream smp to be your founded makeshift siblings?"

His face fell as he delivered the question glancing at the crowd, once again his eyes meeting the electrical ones.

Boomers and punz pov

He stood tall next to Punz, they decided to go to the panel for Sapnap. He took a sharp breath as the interviewer questioned Tommy, his heart dropping at only child. It was like he never existed.

The older must of realized the change of attitude, furrowing his eyebrows. He tilted his head concussed on why his best friend Demeanor changed.

"I think its really cool that I get to have these founded siblings but uhm I-I can't believe I'm revealing this here but I uh I had a brother." All heads turned toward the kid, Wilbur looked at him with guilty eyes.

"Oh no, he's not dead- just it's been so long since I've talked to him to the point were I don't considered him my brother anymore." That striked Dylan as his arms fell to his side, his frown deepened, he just slowly backed away to the point where he had to turn around and walk away. His eyes started stinging, watering even he shook his head.

Punz eyes widened when he realized that the nineteen year old wasn't next to him anymore, shit. He thought.


Instant regret hit him as his gaze flickered upon his older brother, watching him walk away after he said that. It made no sense to him, boomer made no effort to speak to him why does he care??

"Fuck. Why did I just say that." He accenditally said out loud putting down his microphone onto his chair, instinctively sprinting through the crowd. Leaving everyone confused as hell.

When he got to the bathroom, he took a sharp breath before entering. He slightly winced seeing his brother down by the beige thin wall, with his legs pressed against his chest.

"Dylan You have no right to be upset." Tommy scoffed, the nineteen year old slowly raising his head and cocking his eyebrow.

"You interrupted your panel to tell me that? I'm honored." Dylan remarked with sarcasm dripping in his tone, the younger rolled his eyes.

"I don't get why your upset, I mean you left. You stopped talking to me and mom. You never came back." Boomer shook his head, stiffly laughing.

"Aw did mommy tell you it was my choice to leave?" He mocked in a high pitch voice, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes she did. Do you know hard it was for me to lie to everyone, to hear them tell stories about you, to not bring up the fact that I have in fact known of a lot of their existences for over six years, to not blurt out that they aren't talking about their friend but they're talking about my brother."

"Oh so now you want to call me your brother? Tom why'd you follow me in here?"

"I- I don't know, I just don't understand why your upset you don't deserve to be upset." Boomer furrowed his eyebrows, standing up.

"I didn't leave on purpose dumbass, your perfect little mommy kicked me out, told me never to contact you again or she would hurt you the way she hurt me." Tommy gulped, normally his brother was very kind and understanding to everyone but he rarely saw him like this.

"Mom wouldn't do that." He stubbornly replied in disbelief, the smirk on the olders face fell. "Stop making shit up."

"Tommy I know your only seventeen and I hope you realize when older that you did a really stupid thing but for now go fuck yourself." With that Dylan pushed passed him out the restroom, a weird heavy feeling weighed in his chest.

Time skip

He had finally found Wilbur and the rest of his friends, he plastered on a grin hoping they make him forgot what just happened.

"Hey! Where did you go?" Will asked pulling the seventeen year old into a side hug.

"My brother is here, I saw him."

"Do I need to beat him up?" Tommy shook his head chuckling.

"No you don't." His gaze shifted onto the purple hoodie in the distance, the group of friends exploding into laughter. One rung out to him as the nineteen year old putting his head on Grayson shoulder trying to contain himself.

One phrase rang through his ears,

Go fuck yourself.

Part 2?
Also go follow boomerna on twitch now

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