chp. 4 - the dance

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tw: LIGHT insecurity about eating (literally mentioned once)

The Halloween Dance. An annual event the school puts together every year, you can expect the same thing everytime.

The group of popular girls thinking the world revolves around them.

The a group of jerk boys that spike the punch.

That one couple dancing all too close.

Girls dressed as bunny's wearing close to lingerie. They sometimes are freshmen.

Guys dressed as frat boys knowing that's what they'll be in a couple years.

Malia didn't judge any of them, or at least tried not to, but to her it was a cliche high school dance. She was excited, but she knew it didn't mean much. Or at least that's what she used to think.

This year felt different. She was excited. Really excited.

It was 6 pm, skipping dinner because she wanted to look skinny in her costume, she started to get ready. The dance was at 8 but she wanted to spend time doing her makeup and hair.

She put on some music, One direction to be exact and began her makeup and hair in her bathroom.

She did some golden eyeshadow with a winged black eyeliner and mascara, some lip gloss and the regular foundation and such. She then straightened her hair, it was naturally sort of wavy, and put it half up half down with a yellow scrunchie.

She then got on her outfit, a sparkly gold yellow short top and shiny gold skirt with these yellow flower high tops (click on image above).

She was officially Belle. Or another version of Belle.

She looked in her mirror.

Wow she thought.

She looked pretty.

Malia in fact looked beautiful and anyone in their right or not right mind could tell.

She grabbed a little yellow purse she brought and packed her wallet, phone, lip gloss, and keys.

It was just past seven so she figured she should get going. She still had to run to the store to get a rose.

Cody going as a frat boy, and Jesse going as Maverick from Top Gun were getting their own rides from their friends while Liam trick or treating with a group of his friends.

She walked downstairs heading to the door.

"Malia!" Jesse called out as she reached for the door.

"Yea?" She turned to him.

He jogged up to her.

"You look pretty," she was not expecting that.

"Wow Jesse well thank you," she laughed.

"I like your costume it's gunny, you look nice" she smiled.

Jesse was probably her favorite sibling, a close second Liam. A far third Cody.

Jesse, while sometimes annoying, was always there for her. The two of them, having shares experience from their childhood had sort of bonded them. He was genuinely a sweet guy and it was hard to say that about most guys at her school. He never had ill-intentions with anyone, he was a good person, never a bully. Stayed to himself and his friends, a small group but they were all mainly cool. Jesse was very goal-oriented. He had his future planned out and wanted to start it. He was very ambitious, he couldn't wait to leave for college. Malia would miss him, he was sort of a mediator in the house.

𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 | 𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐢Where stories live. Discover now