chp. 13 - time to celebrate

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"So you might be wondering what a team does after they win the championship. The answer? Victory nachos!"

Malia (outfit on left), Hawk, Moon, Demetri, and Jesse cheered as they clinked their glasses together as Aisha filmed it.

"It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's fake ID."

Malia snorted, "Hey don't talk about that. My parents follow you." Hawk told her nervously.

"Sorry Mr and Mrs Moskowitz. Anyways, until next time, no mercy bitches."

Malia smiled and nudged Hawk with her elbow him looking into her eyes with a smile growing on his face.

Aisha sat down at the chair they had pulled up to the table. The table consisted of Moon, Jesse, and Demetri wedged in on one side and Hawk and Malia on the other.

Demetri grabbed a nacho, "I gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party." Hawk grabbed the nacho, "Yeah except you had nothing to do with the victory." He ate the nacho looking happy.

"Then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp. Remember?" Malia began to smile at the memory.

"Demetri and Eli Binary Brothers" Demetri sang as Moon, Malia, and Aisha began laughing as a smile cracked on Jesse's face.

Malia giggled as she remembered them coming home from camp and being so excited about winning their competition. "Hey I remember that, Malia made me let you guys recode my computer," Jesse laughed as he put his arm around Moon.

Malia glance over at Hawk, first he looked embarrassed then mad, "hey cool it with the nerd shit huh?" He leaned forward and told Demetri. Malia rolled her eyes at him and took a sip of her drink.

"Hey where's Miguel? Those wings are getting cold?" Moon asked in a sweet voice.

The gang looked around to see Miguel sitting alone at a table.

Hawk hopped out of the booth and he and Aisha headed over to Miguel to talk to him.

"I hope Miguel is all right." Malia worried out loud.

"He'll be fine, he just won the All Valley, he'll find a new girl in no time." Demetri said hardly paying attention.

"Doubt it," Malia sighed as Moon and Jesse began to converse with eachother she looked at her phone buzzing.

*1 new message

She clicked on it.

7:39 pm
Can you come home I need a ride

Malia rolled her eyes and annoyingly typed out a response.

7:40 pm
no im with my friends

7:40 pm

7:41 pm
sorry but no

7:41 pm
Fine bitch

Malia audibly scoffed. She couldn't even lie Cody pissed her off. There was hardly any times when she liked him, he was always such an asshole.

Hawk came back and stepped over her to get back to his seat, Aisha coming back soon after.

"Oh, Lia! I totally forgot, can you come over tommarow?" Moon asked looking at the the girl in front of her with big eyes.

Before Malia could respond Hawk cut her off. "Actually we have practice tommarow." Malia turned her head and looked at him glaring at Moon. Malia looked back at Moon, "we have practice but I can come over after," she smiled at the girl in front of her.

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