chp. 5 - who would kiss this freak?

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tw: almost panic attack, sexual harrasment (**there won't be any sexual abuse in the book just to let everyone know you don't have to worry about it, I don't want that in her story and would most definitely not feel comfortable writing it)

It's been almost a week since the Halloween dance, in fact it was Thursday.

Not much has changed since then, Eli has not been an ounce as confident as he was that night, making it feel like a fever dream to Malia, she wasn't sure what had made him like that but she wasn't complaining. Confidence was hot. She contemplated in her mind the past few nights what could have made that happen, she wasn't sure, even if he did like her which she didn't think so, that was a high step for him. She was honestly proud. But that night their dynamic changed, even though they hadn't had another moment like they were just closer, more touchy in a way. Malia was loving every second of it. Coming to terms with the fact she thinks she likes him, small things felt huge. It was fun liking someone, she hasn't in a really long time.

Oh and much to Malia's liking Cody was now grounded. After his little interaction with a fellow sophomore and Jesse caught it, Jesse told Liam and Liam, high on candy let it slip to their mom that Cody had sex. Oh how Malia had never seen her so mad. She started screaming, Cody was just frozen in place. After calming down she sat him down to discuss his punishment. No phone and grounded for 2 weeks. While it was nice to watch him get yelled at Malia didn't think it was fair for her mom to ground him for that. The next day Malia's mother sat the four of them down and had the "safe sex" talk, because apparently she can't "control what they are doing anymore." It traumatized the four teens. She could have worded many things much better. Malia's least favorite part was this..

"Now Malia, while I trust you very much, coming to this realization, I must ask. Since I know you mainly hangout with those boys, promise me you aren't being a little slut and sleeping with them?" Cody and Jesse started shaking from trying to contain their laughter. Malia was appalled. "MOM!" She screeched. "Boys stop. Malia it's a serious question? Are you having sex?" Malia had never been so embarrassed, "No mom oh my god! Eli and Demetri are like my brothers I would never do that and I'm not!" Eli wasn't like her brother but her mom didn't have to know that. "Ok good." She said firmly. "Mom I'm waiting until marriage you don't have to worry." Fuck. Now she was making it unbelieveable. Although her mother still believed she was a Christian, Malia never telling her she wasn't. Jesse and Cody couldn't contain themselves anymore. They burst out laughing, Malia struggling to keep a straight face. Liam just sat there looking uncomfortable. "LIAM, CODY," her mother barked. "Respect your sister's wishes, she's much more responsible than the two of you." Malia exhaled. Yes. It worked. She put on her best offended face and looked between Cody and Jesse nodding. Cody scowled while Jesse looked at her almost proud. Malia was not planning on waiting until marriage but her mother didn't have to know that. She honestly felt bad for Cody, she would die if her mother found that out. After the conversation was done their mother left for work. Leaving the four stunned and alone processing what just happened. "Bullshit!" Cody yelled at Malia slamming her overly hard with a pillow. Malia and Jesse just shared a glance and started laughing. Crying laughing, the kind of laughing that hurts your gut. When their little fit was over Jesse looked at Cody and said "hey at least me and Mal are smart, we are off mom's radar," Cody rolled his eyes "whatever." Liam after staying quiet finally spoke, "why is mom like that?" The three older siblings couldn't respond. Not understanding themselves.

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