chp. 14 - playground

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Malia sat criss-cross on her bed.

"I must know, since the trio booted me out so they can mack all on eachother, how's it going with Mr. Goofy Hair?"

A laugh burst through Malia's mouth at Demetri's remark.

"Mr. Goofy Hair, really?" She asked smiling at him sitting across from her.

"Am I wrong?" He asked in all seriousness.

An even bigger smile grew on Malia's face.

"No," she laughed.

"Pull it together and answer the question." He began to smile at her.

"Its good." She smiled dreamily.

"Elaborate." He told her.

"Well hes a great kisser-" Demetri cut her off.

"Stop right there. I don't need to know all that stuff." Demetri said like he lowkey wanted to know but didn't wanna be weird.

"Well you asked."

"Yea about the relationship not about your sexual relations." He snapped back.

"Our sexual relations?" Malia questioned.

"Yea, you know when a boy and a gir-" Demetri started.

"Nope. Nope. Your done. This conversation is over." Malia said quickly not wanting to talk about sex with Demetri.

"Fine, but I mean this wholeheartedly, hows it going?" He said genuinly.

"Its going great," Malia smiled, "I know he puts on this whole act but he's truly still Eli at heart and he's actually a really good boyfriend. He's the sweetest and I swear to go I feel my heart flutter everytime I see him."

"I'm happy for you Mal, I really am." Demetri told her wholeheartedly.

"Thanks Metri, he should be here soon for our date tonight." Malia uncrossed her legs and got up from her bed to look in her mirror at her outfit.

"Wait where are you guys going again?" Demetri asked her.

Malia fluffed her hair a little, "we're going to some park and having like a late night picnic," she turned and faced him, "I honestly don't care what we do as long as we are together. Now. How do I look?" Malia stood awkwardly as Demetri looked at her outfit (photo at top).

"You look beautiful Mal."

"Thanks Metri," she smiled at the boy.

The two hung-out for about another hour just talking about what was going on with them and everyone else. It was now almost 9 when Malia heard a knock at her window.

Malia excitedly rushed over to the window seeing Hawk as she unlocked it and pulled it up. He stepped into her room and pulled her into a long kiss.

"Ah-hem" Demetri awkwardly fake coughed.

Malia felt Hawk flinch as he turned his head around and looked at Demetri in surprise. "What's he doing here?"

Slightly surprised at his response she responded "we were just hanging out before you came to pick me up," Malia frowned.

"Oh ok," Hawk faltered.

"Yea well I should probably head out, have fun on your date." Demetri forced a smile as he backed up to the door.

"Bye Metri, get home safe, oh and can you tell my mom I was tired so I went to bed and dont want to be bothered?"

"Of course Mal, I'll see you guys soon?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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