chapter 10

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Boboiboy's Pov

The cafeteria was filled with students eating, chatting with their friends, or maybe just thinking of a strategy to be the winner of the sport's festival.

I Looked around and couldn't find anyone that seemed even the slightest familiar to me.

I already grabbed my food tray, But now I'm here looking super awkward just standing in the middle of the crowd with a food tray in my hands.

So I decided to find a table with people I know or just find an empty table and just eat alone, being miserable.

I started looking for a table, And after a couple of minutes I found an empty table, and I decided to sit there and eat alone since I'm already starving.

After I sat at the table, I put my food tray on the table and started eating alone.

I'm not sad; I'm eating alone, to be honest, and since the food in this school is really good, I felt better anyway.

I took a spoonful of food and put it in my mouth, munching on it a couple of times before digesting it in my stomach.

After I was done eating my very delicious food, I saw a pink-haired girl walking towards me. I wonder why.

"Hey! My name is Mei Hatsume, Your opponent!"

She had a cheerful tone in her sentence, and she was also wearing some gadgets since she's in the support department.

But I'm glad I could talk to my opponent. Maybe she'll tell me her quirk, but I doubt that would be the case.

But you never know...

"Hey Mei Hatsume, What's your quirk?"

I inquired, You never really know if she's going to say it or not, and it's worth a shot anyway.

"My Quirk Is zoom; its use is to zoom into things."

Mei hatsume She immediately replied, The quirk is useful in the support department but definitely not in the hero department; no wonder she didn't pick that.

"Cool, I'll be looking forward to competing with you."

I put on the most polite tone I could plaster into my voice, also giving a small smile to the pink-haired girl.

I actually didn't think she'd tell me her quirk, but then again, she wouldn't have any disadvantages if she told me her quirk; it wouldn't be a problem since she relies on gadgets, which is probably why she told me it anyway.

"Do you want to use one of my gadgets for the battle?"

She randomly said, breaking the awkward silence, that I put myself in the situation, and If I have to be honest, I was quite relieved that she broke the silence.

Then I thought about the question she told me about: Why would she let me use one of her gadgets? Is it to sabotage me? Is it because she thinks I'm weak? Is it because she just wants to?

Thought's of it storming around my brain like a heavy thunderstorm that just came crashing to my brain because of one single question.

I should probably say no, Even if the gadget wasn't sabotaged Which is unlikely. It would still be consider cheating even if the pro hero's allowed it anyways.

"No thank you, That would be still consider cheating."

I reasoned, eating a scoop of my delicious lunch that was given by the school establishment food department. I wish my school's food was like this.

"Really? Your loss"

she said before leaving just like that, Was her intention to just tell me if I wanted to use her gadget? If so, I wonder why.

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