iget ready

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spencer opened the door on us. fuck. he turns on the lights, we heard him open the door so we tried to hurry up and put our clothes on, we managed to do that. me and freddie pretended like we are asleep, spencer shakes my shoulder and i "wake up". "go on to bed kiddo.", spencer says, looking mad. he's probably mad because i was "asleep" beside freddie?
i walk upstairs into my room and i close the door and lay down, my hair is a mess. i didn't care that i'm going to bed in my dress. i closed my eyes and think of what happened on the couch. i fell asleep.

finally it's morning, i woke up from spencer knocking on my door. i was tired and i answered the door. "goodmorning kiddo we're going out to breakfast at this new place in town, its called breakfastly.", he says. i yawn and laugh,"that's a silly name, but okay i'm going to get dressed.", i close the door and i go to my dresser to find a nice outfit to wear, i picked out a peach kinky crop top and some black jeans, with white shoes.

i go downstairs and spencer was wearing his pajamas (like what he wore when we went to galini's pie shop for breakfast a few years ago), freddie is still asleep so i wake him up by yelling "WAKE UP" in his ear. he woke up, saying,"WHAT MOM?" thinking i am his mom. stupid freddie. "wha- im not your mom im carly!! come on wake up we're going out for breakfast!!, oh and spencer can sam come with us? like we can have a double date kinda!!", spencer nods.. sam is probably asleep, i texted her

"she said yes", i tell spencer, freddie is in his mom's apartment trying to find a shirt, pants, and shoes

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"she said yes", i tell spencer, freddie is in his mom's apartment trying to find a shirt, pants, and shoes. "can i also ask gibby if he wants to come?", i ask. spencer nodded.

i nod,"he said yes"

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i nod,"he said yes"

sorry i had to make this short, because the photos i can't see what i'm typing. i hope you guys liked this chapter!"

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