ilook for an apartment

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freddies pov:

we're having triplets in 7 months. i have to try to find a job and get an apartment.. i walked to the groovy smoothie "hey t-bo can i work here?", t-bo smiled,"yeah of course go put on your uniform!" i ran to the restroom and i change into them, i come out and then i start asking people what they want. soon carly walks in, i see her and i become light headed.

what if she don't like me anymore?

i took the person that is in front of carlys order, carly walks up to the desk," freddie? is that you??.." i frown,"yes. i'm trying to make money to get us an apartment for the babies." carly giggles. like a hot, beautiful giggle that i just cant describe. "anyways i would like a medium blueberry blitz, medium strawberry splat, medium blueberry banana blitz, and a medium tingleberry blitz." carly noted. "okay that will be 30 dollars, but since you're my amazing soon to be wife i'll let you take it for free", i smirked. "aw noo here!!", she insisted. she gave me 30 dollars and i gave her it back shaking, i yelled to t-bo for carlys order. he brought it out and i smile, handing carly her smoothies on a take out tray. she gave the 30 to the person behind her, then she told them to hand me the money as a tip.

at 10pm i get into carly and spencers apartment, i knock on the door and carly answers. i kiss her. i made 500 just today, i sit down on the couch beside where her peartop is, it shows she was looking for jobs. "why are you looking for jobs baby?" i asked, confused. "because i want us to have a little bit of money so we can buy an apartment and we have more money for baby stuff, i want to try to get our own apartment soon, also when are we going to start icarly again?"

i forgot about icarly.

"uh i'm not sure, talk to sam about it.. maybe friday?", i said answering her question, i go on my peartop looking up apartments in bushwell plaza, i found a nice one and i show her. "this one looks nice", i said smiling at her. she nods. it's 10,000, you can own it or rent it. if you own it you dont have to pay anything, if you rent it you have to pay monthly. i have 8,000 in my bank right now, not including the money from the groovy smoothie. so i have 8,500, and i have 300 in my wallet, so i have 8,800. "hey i know a place to work at!", i say to carly, i look it up on zaplook, it is the breakfast place we went to the day we found out she is pregnant "it pays 30 an hour! you should apply hang on" i started typing a resume in:
"name: carly shay/carly benson

age: 21

birthday: july 24

relationship status: engaged

if you're in a relationship/engaged/married/etc are they employed: yes

if yes; where at?: the groovy smoothie and the pear store
i applied at the pear store and i got accepted. it was my old job..

hobbies: owner of icarly, own a webshow, soon to be mom

kids? (if so how many): 3 triplets, kendall benson(nmn), kai benson (nmn), and kaiden benson (nmn)
we didn't pick out names, but i love them all, all k's! i'll talk to carly about it.

i submitted the resume and smiled. "i submitted a resume for you at breakfastly or something!", i grinned, "oh and i know three names for our little babies- kendall benson; kai benson; and kaiden benson!" carly smiled,"thanks baby, those are pretty names!"

i started to feel like carly is losing feelings for me. but its okay. i kiss her and she kisses me back, we can look at that apartment tomorrow, i texted lewbert about it. spencer walked through the door wet "what happened??", i asked him. "i went surfing.. i regret that..", he responded. carly giggled and i laughed.

sorry if the "looking for an apartment" thing is confusing, basically lewbert owns all the apartments, freddie texted lewbert about it, lewbert responded with a yes that you can check the apartment tomorrow.

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