iauthor note 2

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i'm not putting anymore covers on my stories, i can't find anymore creddie photos. also the next chapter, i might have carly release her feelings to sam and sam releasing her feelings to carly, but of course they don't like eachother now. they both are dating someone. also in this story, carly is omnisexual, sam is omnisexual, spencer is bisexual, freddie is bisexual, t-bo is gay, gibby is bisexual, mrs. benson is straight, hut supports, and lewbert is gay. they all have a preference to their same gender (all that are apart of lgbtq community)
carlys pronouns: they/she
sams pronouns: she/they
freddies pronouns: he/him
spencers pronouns are they/him
t-bo: they/them (i don't remember if i used he/him on him on any previous chapters, if i did i'm so sorry)
lewbert: he/him
gibby: he/him
marissa: she/her
but these aren't their real sexualities/some of them don't have these pronouns. they are all straight on the actual show i think!

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