iget married

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super sorry for not updating in a couple weeks. i forgot about this app lmao (tiktok: zouisrrys)

freddies pov:

its been a month since carly has had the triplets. in a few weeks she'll be known as carly benson. i cant wait. i know she'll look beautiful. sam and spencer have been doing good, spencers wanting to propose to her and i've been helping him. i woke up at 8:35 and i made breakfast for carly, i got the babies formula bottles ready and i fed them. i woke carly up at 10 to eat. "goodmorning baby", i whispered in her ear when i got up, and i kissed her forehead. spencer walked in our apartment

spencers pov:

"can you guys help me?", i asked carly and freddie when i went into their apartment. "with what?", carly asked. "i want to propose to sam but i don't know if shes ready yet. its been like a year since we started dating. should i wait?", i asked, talking really fast because sam will be here any minute. "you should do it!", carly happily said. then sam walked through the door "is there any food here like bacon or something?", she asked. "oh hey baby", she started, then she kissed me. "hey beautiful", i said in a nervous tone. "whats wrong spencer?", she asked. "oh um- nothing! i applied for a different job, i dont like sculpting anymore?", i said nervously. "shut up whats wrong baby?", she asked again. "he wants to give a surprise for someone but he doesnt know how.", carly said. "what surprise?", sam asked. "nothing!", me, freddie, and carly said. carly and freddie went to go play with the babies, so they went upstairs.

carlys pov:

"do you think we'll have anymore kids?", freddie started. "i don't know baby. do you want more?", i questioned. "yes.", he said, kind of mumbling. "hm?", i asked, i couldn't understand what he said. "i said yes baby.", he responded back. "then we will baby.", i said. we went back downstairs and we took the babies down there also, sam and spencer were talking.

sams pov:

i really want spencer to propose to me, but he'll think its to soon. carly and freddie came back downstairs and they brought the babies. "carls, do you wanna go to the groovy smoothie at like 1?", i asked. i want to ask her about me wanting spencer to propose. "yeah sure!", she said, feeding kendall, freddie was playing with kai and kaiden on the floor and tickling them.

carlys pov:

freddie was playing with kai and kaiden while i was feeding kendall. i walked over to freddie and i kissed him. "what was that for baby?", he asked. "oh nothing, i just love you so much.", i replied, i laid down on the floor and i looked into freddies eyes. i kissed him again.

then i grabbed kendall and i tickled her. "your so beautiful.", freddie said. "your so handsome.", i said back.

a few weeks later

today is the day me and freddie are getting married. i cant wait to be known as carly benson. right now its 11am and i'm getting my hair done. at 12 i'll be putting my dress on and putting makeup on, at 5pm the wedding starts. i wish my dad was here, or my mom. i think my grandpa is coming though! i don't think mrs. benson will be coming, she still hates me for making out with freddie.

its 1pm right now, i'm with sam at spencer and hers apartment. "so are you excited?!!", sam asked me. "yeah!! whos gonna hold the babies, i want photos of them at the wedding.", i asked. "maybe me, spencer, and gibby or me spencer and tbo or me spencer and your granddad!", she said. i nodded and i sat down. "i really love freddie. what if nevel will show up and destroy this though.", i said. "he wont carls!", sam responded back.
me and sam hung out for a bit and now its time.

i walked down the aisle with spencer.

freddie started his vows,"ever since i met you- since we were in 6th grade i had a crush on you, since i laid my eyes on you, i thought you were beautiful. i will never leave you, i love you to the moon and back. you are amazing. you are beautiful. you mean everything to me. your my best friend, my soulmate, my girlfriend, my wife, my ex girlfriend, my world. you deserve so fucking much. when i met you i didn't think we would ever end up together.", i started sort of crying

then i started,"ever since we met, i've liked you, i just didnt want to ruin our friendship. i love you with my whole heart with a passion that can't be expressed in words, only in kisses, glances, and years of adventure by your side. i promise to be your honest, faithful, and loving wife for the rest of my days. i pledge to honor you, love you and cherish you as my husband today and every day. today I say, "i do" but to me that means, "i will". i will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. i dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. i will love you forever. you are my every dream come true, and i can't wait for the reality we get to build together. i promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bare on your own.

he started crying, then the priest started,"fredward "freddie" benson- do you take carly shay to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "i do." he said, smiling and looking into my eyes. the priest started again,"carly shay- do you take freddie benson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "i do.", i said, smiling and looking into his eyes, then we kissed

after the wedding

"i love you carly.", freddie started. "you were always the only one i wanted, the only one i wanted to marry. i always liked you and i never stopped- that kiss before you left- i became 10 times more in love with you then i already was. i was so happy when you came back to seattle."

"aw- i love you, ever since that kiss i knew you were the one. when i went to italy i worried about you, i always loved you. and now your my husband, my best friend, my love, and so much more.", i said back, i rested my head on his lap and i kissed him.

we got to bushwell and we got to our apartment and we sat the babies down in their cribs. "thank you for everything baby. thank you for existing.", i said to freddie, hugging him tightly and putting my head on his shoulder. "no my love thank you for everything.", he said back. i kissed his neck (because he loves neck kisses) and then we laid down on our bed and fell asleep.


i dont really know how to do weddings! i dont know if you do vows then i dos or anything so lmk if i got that wrong! i hope you guys liked this chapter. the next one will be longer so they'll be 2-4 big events happening! (i'll do the next one later or tomorrow!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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