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                                      carlys pov:

it's been 2 weeks since i found out i am pregnant. i still don't know how to tell spencer. mine and freddies 3 months is coming up, i don't know what to get him. gibby got a girlfriend! spencer and sam have been hanging out a lot more. i can't stop thinking about what freddie told me 2 weeks ago. i just want to marry him. i want him to propose. it's way to early though. my birthday is in 2 weeks (july 24), for my birthday all i want is freddie to propose. im in the hallway right now, about to knock on freddies door. we're going to watch a movie!! spencer and sam are at a hotel right now, i wonder what they are doing. maybe sam is trying to seduce spencer. i knocked on freddies door, he answered "hey baby!! you look beautiful", he giggled. i blushed and i started to kiss him. i walk with him into my apartment, even though it's right across from eachother, i held his hand. "so um..", i start. "huh?", he asked. "nevermind.." i was going to ask him about the thing he said two weeks ago. i start to feel like i'm going to throw up, so i run to the bathroom and i close the door, i started to pass out. freddie ran in there. "carly are you okay?!", freddie shouts. there was no response.

freddies pov;

carly.. she passed out in the bathroom. i feel like this is my fault. ever since the night where i asked her out, when we had sex, it was my fault. i kissed her trying to wake her up. i picked her up and i went upstairs into her room, i put her on her bed and i laid down beside her, i started kissing her forehead. i kissed her stomach. "i love you." i whispered. she can't hear me but i don't care. i turned on some tv, her old favorite show was on. full house. i kissed her forehead. i watched it and then i fell asleep.

spencers pov:

i stayed at a hotel with sam last night. ive been worried about carly, she hasnt been feeling to good for the past 2 weeks, i went up to her room and it was shut, i knocked. freddie opened the door, he looked tired. "hey spencer, what are you doing? what time is it?", freddie asked, yawning. "wheres carly? it's 7 in the morning.", i said fastly. i was worried. "she is laying down.. she passed out yesterday.", freddie answered. i ran in her room and tapped on her shoulder. she woke up "what the fuck? what???", carly shouted. "sorry i just wanted to make sure you're okay.", i responded. she nodded and went back to bed. i went back downstairs and freddie stayed with carly.

freddies pov:

i tried waking carly up, but she slapped me. i just left and i went to my apartment. t-bo was just in his boxers. "what the fuck??", i shouted at him. "sorry im trying on new boxers", he laughed. i rolled my eyes at him playfully. "wheres my mom? not like i care but where is she?", i inquired. "i don't know i think she went to a new moms meeting or something why?", he asked. "well uh sit down i have a few things to talk to you about..,"i began. he sat down, i sat beside him. "so.. you know how me and carly are dating..", i started. he nodded "well.. she's pregnant. don't tell my mom!" i said sternly. "i want to propose, if i do and she says yes, do you want to be my best man, you and spencer will both be them." t-bo smiled and nodded "of course!", he said joyfully. i walked into my room, i want to start icarly again, i started writing stuff down on my notebook:

1: cowboy and the idiot farm girl

2: baby spencer

3: hey what am i sitting on

4: hey what am i licking

5: hey what am i tickling you with

i can't think of anything else.. i go to the living room of my apartment and i go back to carly and spencers apartment. i knock on the door, no response. so i walk in..  sam and spencer are on the couch making out. i tapped spencers shoulder and they broke the kiss. "wheres carly?", i ask. "she's in the icarly studio.. i don't know why?", spencer said. i ran upstairs and i went to the icarly studio, she was by the laptop cart where we kissed before she left. i walk to her "hey baby", i smiled. "hiiii babe!!", carly exclaimed.
i put my hand on hers, i leaned over and kissed her. i then broke the kiss a few seconds later. "that kiss felt familiar..", carly laughed. i playfully rolled my eyes. "so uh..", i began. "do you want to restart icarly? you me sam gibby spencer and t-bo?" carly smiled and nodded. "okay!", i smiled. "i have to go..", i said frowning. i kissed her and i went back to my house to get t-bo. we are going ring shopping for carly. i want her to be my wife. carly benson. it sounds so beautiful.

carlys pov:

why did he leave. is he cheating. why did he leave what the fuck?.. i'm worried.. i think he is. ugh. what do i do..

freddies pov:

we got to the ring shop. i don't know what its called but me and t-bo go inside. i look around and i see a beautiful diamond one. it looks like it would be beautiful on her. i grab it. "how does this one look?", i say to t-bo smiling. "i think she'll like it", he responded. he grabbed a stick out of his pocket, it had spaghetti tacos on it. "wha-" i started. t-bo smiled, we got the ring. it was 1,800.
i went back to carly and spencers apartment, i opened the door. "wheres carly?" i asked spencer who was making his spaghetti tacos. "she's in her room!", spencer answered. i ran upstairs to her room and i knocked on the door, she answered. she groaned. "hi." "hey baby!! uh i have a question, sorry i left i got a surprise for you.. i bent down on one knee and i pull out the ring. "i want you to be known as carly benson. i've loved you since the first day i met you, the first day i laid my eyes on you. i never thought i could be able to call you mine. i want you to be known as my wife. will you be my wife?", i questioned her. she started crying. "yes. yes. a thousand times yes !!" i made out with her not breaking the kiss. "i love you my love.", i beamed. "i love you more darling.", she chuckled.

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