Iida was kinda angry. But as Dabi said "why go for something so complex and hard when you can do something quicker and simpler."
The new CEO of hot topic (sorry Tokoyami) walked back to the class with the smug eat shit look. They were staring at him; their school rep was defeated by getting tripped over. Well at least that's what they saw.
"You were meant to use you quirk." Midoriya asked. He really wanted to analyse his quirk and the strength to make him better hero but with the stunt Dabi pulled he had no way of knowing.
"Broccoli hair where the fucking rules does is specify? It doesn't." He placed his hands behind his head.
"Shimo what is your surname?"
The voice was calm and collective; the red hair already knew who it was without turning around. "Why does that matter Todoroki... right?"
He turned a 180 and looked at him. He was 90% sure he wouldn't be recognised since this is the MHA universe and this author could decide not to.
"Yes. May I ask where I know you from?"
"Hmm. You can but I won't answer. You have to figure out that yourself." He bowed and rolled his eyes.
"I would like to fight against you."
"I will... humble decline that offer. Since we now have English class."
"Aren't we already speaking English?"
"Shut up Kumo; the with our author doesn't know how to speak Japanese."
..Anyways... the two boy just decided to leave quite quickly. They had no idea on seating so Dabi ACCIDENTALLY sat in Bakugou's seat. Then placed his feet on his desk. You can imagine the explosion of anger from Bakugou. Let's just say there wasn't an English class but a fire and bomb learning lesson.
Doing a time skip because the rest of the day was spent by Dabi getting told off. So he dragged Oboro away from 1-a after Aizawa had decided to tell Dabi of for the 127th time for putting his feet on the desk.
The two were casually sitting in bed contemplating life decision well only the red head was... the blue head really wasn't one for using his brain.
"I wanna design the room..." Oboro said out loud
"Wow... you really haven't listened to a single word I said. But what was I expecting." The younger boy sighed, "Alright. Thanks."
"Whoops but in my defence you were talking about life..."
"I was talking about LUNCH. I stopped talking about life when I realised I didn't wanna open to you."
"What does that mean."
"It means I had spider sense on someone listening in on our conversation." That was when he lifted his hand and if one queue they heard people tripping over outside the room.
"Fucking dumbass."
The smarter boy (yeh this isn't Oboro I'd your wondering) uncrossed his legs and walked to the door. He immediately locked eyes with his favourite blonde Pomeranian.
"KIRISHIMA YOU LOST YOUR DOG!" Dabi screamed while patting Kachan blonde hair. I bet it's really fluffy.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Rock boy hello?" He looked out into the hallway to notice some of the girls and so smiled.
"Hey Katsuki..." Oboro had reached the door because if he didn't Bakugou would have cause a mini explosion.
"Don't call me that." He hissed.
"Awww why not Katsuki Katsuki- " The red head began to taunt.
"Oi, I was just gonna invite you extras to dinner." His eyes looked to the side.
"We'd love to come." The cloud boy said fluttering his lashes.
"What why is it we?" Red head was definitely left out of the decision making progress.
"Come on."
(I think Dabi and Bakugou are gonna be great friend 🎉)
Oboro wrapped his clouds around the boy and just began to drag him. Then they all sat down at the Baku-squad table. That exactly when Dabi slammed his head on a table.
"Your little shit Kumo..."
"Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt."
"Oh hope you die in the most painful way possible."
"Now that really isn't kind."
"I hope you watch you love die around and know it was all you fault."
"Your soo mean!"
Jirou, Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero and Mina couldn't tell for the life of them if they hated each other or not. They both had just began bickering that the squad couldn't even keep track of what the fuck they were saying it had just merged into the word blah. Mid way through dinner Aizawa had walked in to get the two of them. As well as a physical exam they needed to a mental exam... Dabi immediately protested due to the fact no one except those two had to take a mental exam to get into the school.
"Shimo just take it before I fucking stab you." Oboro said while smiling. Shiver went down the red head spin. Can you really blame him.
The two followed Aizawa to a mental institution looking room... white walls, white ceiling, white table and chair, along with white pens. Who the fuck get a white pen with black ink.
"This horror movie takes place and where crackheads and psycho are made." The youngest hissed. Before taking his seat. There was even a white clock with black hands with painfully slow ticks (you know those really slow tick when your at the end of work or school).
Touya was done very quickly... he really didn't want to be in that room because it reminded him of something (yep that all I'm giving you). He actually didn't bother to think of the consequences if he did well or badly so he did it to the best of his ability. He immediately ditched the room and handed his paper no way he was staying in there. Oboro on the other hand was really not bothered in the room but the question were hard. The words were merging and they really made no sense to him. Eventually Aizawa came in to talk to him and take in the paper.
If your wondering not much of this story is planned out... and I'm literally writing this one step at a time. I mean I have the basic plan of how things will go down.
So if you have any ideas on what to do I'll definitely listen... 😊Hope you enjoyed anyways 👋

When are we ourselves?
FanfictionKurogiri and Dabi are sent on a mission by the not so loving leader Shigaraki (in this AU he is the actual bad guy😭) anyways he is determined to find the main ingredient for the erasing bullets. So he send two of his most powerful soldiers to grab...