Chapter 1

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Amelias eyes slowly fluttered open to the bright sunlight that was streaming through her windows. Slowly rolling out of the bed, she slipped into her bathroom to get ready for the day that lay ahead. Skin care, makeup, hair and an outfit was all it took for her to be ready for the day.

She slipped on a comfortable blue and white sundress along with the necklace & earring set her father had given her for her 19th birthday, just a few weeks ago. With her white sandals on, she headed into the small kitchen where a hot, steaming pot of coffee awaited her. Smiling, she filled her mug up and added 3 sugar, 2 cream, just how she liked it.

"Mornin kid, how'd you sleep?" Her dads voice rang out through the apartment. He appeared next to her in the kitchen, grabbing himself a cup of coffee. "Pretty good, stayed up late reading another book though." Amelia replied sheepishly. Smiling, Tony locked eyes with his daughter and saw an almost exact copy of Pepper, just with brown hair. He noticed what necklace she was wearing today.

"So, you do like the gift?" He asked, his smile growing even more. Amelias fingers made their way to where the pendant laid against her chest, grinning. "I never said I didn't. How'd you know roses were my favorite?" Tony looked back down at his coffee, taking a sip of the bitter, black liquid. "I didn't actually, that was your mother's. She wanted you to have it."

Amelia looked up, and saw the tears pricking her fathers eyes. She gave him a lazy hug before drying the tears of her own. Her mom had died when little Amelia was only 7 years old, and god did she miss her. "I'm gonna head out for a little, grab a new book or something. Do you need anything?" She asked while moving around the kitchen and living room, grabbing her keys and phone. "Nope, you have fun though." Tony said, grabbing his coffee and heading back into his workshop.

Amelia smiled to herself as she turned on her favorite playlist and headed out onto the crowed new york streets. Watching as the different people bustled past her, she couldn't help herself but to wonder where they were going. Did they have an audition they needed to get to?? Maybe a job interview that they were already late for?? Or was it someone they were rushing to get to?? Smiling, she continued on her way to her favorite bookshop in the world.

"Well if it isn't my favorite regular. How are you doing, Amelia?" May asked as she walked into the store. The smell of old books and vanilla filled the store, smelling like home to Amelia. Books lined every wall, and at the center of it all was the one woman Amelia could count on for everything, May. Or as she asked Amelia to call her, Aunt May.

"Got anything new?" She asked, tracing her finger along the spines of the books that lined the wall. May smiled and shook her head. "Not since yesterday, hun." Amelia stopped as her finger fell against a very familiar book. A well read copy of Romeo and Juliet sat in front of her. Smiling, she took the book off the shelve and turned to May, holding the book for her to see.

"Again?? You've read it, what, six times now?" May asked, trying to hide the smile on her face. She would never tell Amelia this, but seeing her come in to the shop and get her books reminded her of Peter, her late nephew. "It's my favorite, I just wish the ending was different." Amelia said, causing Mays smile to widen even more.

"Well hun, if you like it all that much, keep it. I've never had anyone else come and read it." She said, turning her attention back to the paperwork in front of her. "What? Aunt May, I couldn't do that." Amelia said. A simple smile and a nod from May was all the confirmation Amelia needed. "Well I'm running to Beanies to grab some coffee, do you want anything??" She asked the older woman. May set a book down and smiled. "If you offering, I'll take an iced caramel macchiato, thank you sweetie."

Amelia smiled, grabbed her book and headed out the door back into the sunshine. Walking down the crowded New York City streets was always calming to the young woman. Seeing that she was still a few blocks away from Beanies, she threw in her airpods and turned her music back on. Beggin' by Mäneskin came on just as she rounded and corner and slammed straight into someone and fell straight back onto the sidewalk.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." She started to say as she stood up, brushing her dress off only to look up and lock eyes with none other than Captain Steve Rodgers and his best friend, Bucky Barnes. "Oh, Captain." Amelia said, flatly. She put her head down and tried to walk around them, only for Steve to grab her shoulder, lightly, and pull her back.

"No Hello??" He asked, flashing that award winning smile her way. Amelia gave him a small smile in return, and gritted her teeth. "Hello, Steve. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get somewhere." Amelia tried to walk away, only for Steve to fall in step next to her, Bucky trailing after, giving anyone who passed his death glare.

She doesn't know why Steve bothers her so much and trust that she's had plenty of people tell her how lucky she is to be on the receiving ending of his affections. But she didn't feel too lucky. Even though Steve had been unfrozen for years now, his "courting" abilities are still stuck in the 1940's. He hadn't even bothered to ask her on a date yet, but expected her to just "be his." It was beyond aggravating.

"So, when do you think I'll finally be able to take you out for dinner??" Steve asked, snapping Amelia back to reality. His arm slowly started slipping around her waist, making Amelia cringe. "Uh, I'm not sure. I'll have to let you know when my schedule clears up!"

Beanies was in sight for the young woman now, her salvation. MJ, her best friend worked there and could definitely help her away from Steve. "Hm, what about tonight? I can get us reservations at the nicest place in town." Steve asked, stopping their walk and pulling Amelia towards his chest. She sucked in a breath. "Steve. As much as I would love to go for dinner, Im already busy tonight, helping my father. I'm sure there are plenty of fangirls who would be willing kill someone to go to dinner. So, if you'll excuse me." She said, once more trying to get past him. This time, he didn't stop her and she slipped into the coffee shop.

"Eyyy!! If it isn't my favorite regular, what can I get you today?" MJ's warm voice greeted from behind counter. A soft smile grew on Amelias face as she ordered her coffee, MJ and her co workers chatter filling her ears as the worries of just moments ago disappeared.

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