Chapter 6

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"Excuse me, sweetie?? It's Wanda, may I come in?" She asked from behind the closed door. A muffled "yes" sounded from inside, so she kicked her cart into gear and headed into the room. Amelia was sitting in the bay window, arms crossed, staring at the streets bellow.

"Hey there sweetheart, I was wondering if you wanted a cup of tea. I find that something nice to drink can always make the world a bit brighter." Wanda smiled, and beckoned Peter over.

"That sounds nice, thank you." Amelia smiled at the teapot, coming over closer to grab the drink.

Once poured, she lifted the cup to her lips and took a small sip. It was perfect. Smiling she took it with her to sit back down, Wanda following after her.

"I know it must be hard, dearie. But it won't be forever, the storm will pass." A moment. "You had family, didn't you?" Wanda asked and watched as tears began to form in the younger girls eyes.

"It was just me and my dad, Tony. My mother died when I was young and I've never had any siblings. He was here before I was, but I took his place." Amelia said, tracing the rim of her cup with her finger.

"It was a very brave thing you did, dear." Wanda said, giving the girl a comforting smile.

"We all think so." Natasha said, entering the room. The spell had transformed everyone into household objects, Nat just got the short stick, becoming a hand held feather duster. "My apologies, I haven't introduced myself, Natasha, pleasure to meet you." She said, giving the girl in front of her a smile.

Wanda slightly raised her eyebrows. "You settled in alright?"

Amelia shrugged. "Knowing that I'm going to be here forever, and most likely never see my friends, family or home again is a lot, but i'll make it through."

Nat and Wanda shared a look. "Maybe, just maybe dear, you may find home here too." Wanda smiled. Amelia thought about her words for a moment, really thinking then over. Maybe she's right, maybe her life isn't over.


Meanwhile, Loki paced back and forth within his wing of the palace. The rose only had 3 petals left, meaning three weeks. That girl in there was his last hope to ever become himself again. But there was no way a girl like her could ever love something like him.


What did the word truly mean?? Because Loki has never know what it's like to have love, that unconditional support from someone no matter how many mistakes he made.

If he hasn't had it by now, does he deserve to
be loved??

Did he dare even try??

A soft knocked sounded at the door.

"Sir, dinner is ready." Bruce's voice rang out. Loki just nodded, back to the door still staring at the rose which had doomed his fate. "Is there anything else you might need?" He asked.

Loki thought for a moment.

"Tell the girl to join me for dinner, I wish to dine with company tonight."

Half an hour later, Loki was sat at the dinning room table, set for two, alone. He checked the clock once more before growing even more frustrated and pushing away his plates and flipping over his chair. "Bruce!!" He yelled, the clock coming out of the kitchen, shaking. "Where is she?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"She's not coming." He whispered.

"She's not what?" Loki asked, his voice colder than ice, causing the water on the table to freeze in their glasses.

"She said she wasn't hungry." Bruce whispered, staring down at his feet.

Loki stormed from the dinning room and up the east wing, where Thor was standing outside a door. "Now sir.." he started, but Loki dropped the temperature, making his flames go out, silencing the poor man. Loki pounded on the door, scaring the few inside.

"I thought you were asked to come to dinner!" He bellowed.

Amelia looked to Wanda for confirmation. "I'm, just not hungry." She said simply. It wasn't the full truth, but it also wasn't a lie. The full truth? Amelia didn't feel like dinning with the monster who kidnapped her father and is keeping her captive.

Loki growled. "Dinner was not a request, it was an order!"

"Well i'm not someone else for you to order around!!" She scoffed.

The giant chuckled darkly and smiled to himself. "If she doesn't eat with me, she doesn't eat at all!" He yelled, his breath causing ice to lock the door shut before he stormed away, stalking back off to the west wing.

Thor quickly set to work melting the ice on the door and freeing those inside.

Amelia on the other hand was shaken, and quickly sat down on the bed by Natasha and Wanda. "I swear if I could kick his ass, I would." Nat said, causing a bit of laughter from everyone in the room.

After a moment, Amelia spoke up. "What is he?"

"He's afraid, dearie. He's scared."

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