Chapter 5

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"Come on Bruce, where is your heart?" Thor asked as the two slipped down the steps into the basement. "Heart? The master took her as his prisoner! We cannot go against explicit orders other it'll be our necks!" He exclaimed, causing Thor to laugh. They duo started down the damp hallway, making their way towards the one cell in use. Thor jumped up and opened up the cell door, apparently scaring the poor girl inside.

"Hello good lady!! How did you sleep?" Thor asked the young woman inside, who stared back at him in shock. "You're, you're..." She stuttered, staring at the talking candle. "You're a talking candle!!" She exclaimed, pushing herself to her feet, furiously whipping away her tears. "Candelabra, lady..." Thor said, motioning with his arms (?) for her to say her name.

"Amelia." She sighed, looking back and forth between the clock and candle. "Well, Lady Amelia, Mr. Grumpy pants and I are here to show you to your room." Thor said, smiling and gesturing to the hallway. Confused, Amelia took a step towards.

Under more normal circumstances, she would be even more cautious. But, within the span of 24 hours Amelia has learned that her dad is Iron Man and she was kidnapped and held hostage on a new planet, realm, or something, she's not too sure right now. But a talking candle?? That's something else entirely. But this... thing is offering her a better room, why wouldn't she take him up on the offer.

Following the clock and candle back up the steps that she had come down the night before, she finally allowed herself to look at the castle. Truth be told, Amelia was in awe. And if it wasn't for the monster that could be lurking around any corner, she would have taken the time to ask for a tour. But, she instead silently followed behind her new guides up many flights of stairs till they reached a door.

"This, Lady Amelia, will be your new room." Thor said, motioning towards the doors and having Bruce help him open them. Amelias breath was taken away from her when she saw the room inside. The walls were painted an off white and were filled with paintings of gorgeous flowers, women or other knickknacks. Along one wall, there sat a bed with a blue bedspread, a nightstand on either side. There was a bay window on the back wall which allowed a lot of light to flood into the room. And on top of all this, there was a massive chandelier hanging in the middle of the room.

"This is, incredible." Amelia breathed out, walking into the center of the room. "Well, i'm not sure about how happy he'll be about this." Bruce grunted, crossing his arms over his chest, as best he could. Thor just smiled and laughed, slapping his friend on the back. "Oh lighten up a little bit, Bruce!! If the Lady is to stay with us, she needs to be comfortable. Besides, there's no way he would ever come up here. This isn't the west wing!" Amelias head snapped over to the two of them, who were now placed on the top of her dresser. "What's in the west wing?" She asked simply.

"Nothing!" Both of them said the same time, Thor cracking a small smile. Amelia just nodded and turned her attention back to the room. "Well, we must be going. Wanda and Peter should come check on you in a little bit. If you need anything, please ring the bell and one of us will come attend to you immediately. If that's all, we'll be off now." Bruce said, jumping down off the dresser and waddling out of the room. Thor on the other hand, gave Amelia a small bow before joining Bruce, shutting the door behind him.

Now alone, Amelia did a deeper dig into the room. Looking in the dresser, she found traditional clothes for the castle, dresses, heels, crowns, everything a princess would need. She chucked, a princess was definitely something she was not. Shutting the dresser and moving to the bay window, she could see the abandoned streets below, causing her heart to ache for the people who used to live here. As she looked around the lavish room, and then back out the streets she couldn't help but wonder what might have happened to cause this. Magic? A natural disaster? She wasn't sure.

Meanwhile, Thor and Bruce slowly made their way to the servants quarters where everyone else was waiting for them. Peter was the first to spot the pair, bouncing up and down on his saucer in excitement. "Miss Wanda, Miss Natasha, look who's back!!" The teenager yelled, causing everyone to look at the duo now entering the room.

"Well boys, how is she doing?" Nat asked, sitting herself down on the kitchen counter. Wanda moved over closer to Peter and waited for an answer. "We got her moved to a comfortable room, but he doesn't know yet." Thor said, looking around the group. They don't remember it, but years ago they had been simple guests at his party, one he was throwing for his brother when disaster struck. The spell was cast, and they had forgotten everything. Earth, Tony, Steve, Bucky, SHIELD, and even the avengers.

"You moved Loki's prisoner to a room behind his back?" Wanda asked, eyes wide as she looked back and forth between the clock and candle. Bruce stepped to the side, pointing one of his hands at Thor. "It was his idea!!" Peter just smiled and started laughing, blowing a big bubble in his cup. "Maybe she'll be the one to break the spell!!" Natasha laughed and shook her head at the teens innocent optimism. "I'm not sure it's that simple, little bud." The group shared a look, all of them secretly hoping that she would be the one, but the chances were so slim, not to mention the time limit.

"We mustn't give up hope, my friends!! We must keep our heads held high. Wanda, Peter, I think our new guest might want some tea before long, would that be ok?" Thor asked, directing his attention to the duo. Wanda gave him a smile and a nod, Peters smile growing even wider, if that was possible. The group started talking about anything and everything they could, Wanda and Peter leaving halfway through. And although none would admit it, inside of all of them a tiny spark of hope was ignited by the young woman up in the east wing.

Tony on the other hand, was worried out of his mind. He hadn't been able to beat the god of mischief before on his own, so how the hell was he going to do by himself when reindeer games was stuck as a frost giant? The only person he knew to go to was americans ass himself, Steve Rodgers. Jarvis quickly found him, and it was the last place Tony had expected to go, a bar.

Steve and Bucky were maybe 3 drinks in each, although Bucky could definitely handle his alcohol a bit better than his best friend. "I don't get it!" Steve slightly slurred, turning to Bucky. "I've been nothing but a gentleman to that girl, and she just rejects me? What more do I need to do??"

Bucky patted his friends back. "Maybe you and her just aren't met to be. Maybe you should look somewhere else..." He trailed off.

"You don't get it, Buck! She's the perfect woman, I'm supposed to be the perfect man. We should fit, right?" He asked. Bucky takes a much longer sip of his drink than needed.

"Look, why don't you just-" Bucky starts.

"STEVE! Bucky, I need your help!" Tony shouted from across the bar once he spotted the two and quickly sat down in the chair next to Steve.

"What can we help you with today, Mr Stark?" Steve asked before taking a swig of his beer.

"It's about Amelia." Tony said, never having been as serious as he is right now. "What?" Steve asked, his head whipping over to the man next to him. Tony nodded, solemnly.

"Tell me everything."

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