Chapter 3

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Amelia had a relaxing morning of sleeping in, making herself some coffee, bacon and eggs and reading. She was just about to head out to meet a friend for lunch when someone knocked on her door. Curiosity took her over and she opened the door.

"Well hello there, my sweet. I figured since we couldn't do dinner last night, I would take you out to breakfast." Steve smiled at Amelia and held out some flowers. Flowers that he had taken from the front of her door. Grinning at him, Amelia took the flowers and placed them back onto the door, keeping it half close, not inviting the man in front of her inside.

"That's very nice of you, Captain, but I already ate and I've already made plans for the day. Maybe sometime next week?" She asked, trying to shut the door, but he keep his foot in between. "Dear, how much longer are you going to keep this game up?? Don't get me wrong, I like the chase, but it's been months and you still haven't gone to dinner with me yet. What more do you need??"

Amelia crossed her arms and sighed. "Steve, look. You've been very sweet, but I just don't have any romantic feelings towards you. Being honest, you don't even know me!! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be late for my plans."

"Then marry me." He said, locking eyes with the shorter woman in front of her. Amelias mouth dropped open in shock. Marry him?? Who does he think he is. "Steve..." Bucky said, his voice dripping with warning. All Steve did was hold up his hand, quieting the man next to him.

"Steve, you are very kind and such a gentleman, but I don't know you. And you definitely do not know me. I don't have any feelings towards you, and you don't have any towards me. I'm sorry that you got it twisted in your head, but I will never marry you."

Finally the door was shut and Amelia felt like she could breathe again. Steve on the other hand, was mad. Madder than he had even been in his entire life. "Steve? You feelin' alright?" Bucky asked his best friend, watching as he took a moment to collect himself and start back down the hallway.

"Steve?" Bucky questioned once more. Steve whirled around in a flash, his finger stuck out, threatening. "That girl has tangled with the wrong man, for the last time. She will become my wife, I will make sure of it." Bucky's mouth dropped open in shock, watching his best friend storm off. He had never acted this way, ever. Sighing, Bucky trailed off after him, disappointed and scared.

Amelia slid down the door and caught her breath. "Marry him?" She muttered to herself, slowly standing up and heading out on the terrace. The breeze whipping her hair, claiming her down. She took some deep breaths and started thinking about what a life would look like with him.

She wouldn't be allowed to work, and would most likely be forced to stay in their house the entire day, a homemaker. Sounds like her own personal hell. Not to mention Steve would want strapping young boys, something Amelia definitely didn't want.

She was leaning on the railing of the terrace, watching the world go by beneath her, when all the sudden she sees something flying towards her. Seeing that it's not stopping she quickly ducks down and covers her head. The "thing" however never hits her. Slowly, looking up she sees Iron Man standing in front of her. Well, not standing, hovering.

"What the fuck." Amelia whispers to herself, staring at the suit that stares right back at her. "Miss Stark?" Jarvis asks, cocking the suits head. The woman nods, her month hanging open. Jarvis flies the suit up and onto the roof, leaving poor Amelia standing there confused.

Yes, her world had its super hero's. The Winter Soilder, Iron Man and Captain America, but that was really it. And they were more public figures, like her father. But this?? This was an entirely new level of crazy. She stayed out on the terrace, still in shock, till a voice came from behind her and scared her half to death.

"Miss Amelia, I need you to follow me." Jarvis said, causing Amelia to turn and gasp. Standing in her kitchen was Iron Man, but he didn't sound like him. This voice sounded robotic, almost preprogrammed. "Are you Iron Man?" She stuttered out, crossing her arms over herself for some kind of comfort.

"I believe if you follow me, this will make a lot more sense." He said, the suit turning on it heel and stalking off towards her fathers workshop. No other option in sight, she sighed and started trailing after him. They walked into the workshop, but they didn't stop there. Jarvis, or the Iron Man suit pressed in a code and a secret door opened. Amelia followed into a room she had never seen before. Cars, mechanical tools, and dozens of Iron Man suits. She gazed around, mouth open in shock and eyes full of wonder.

"What is this?" She asked breathlessly. Had this been in her apartment all her life and had she really not noticed before?? Was she that blind? Why did her father have the Iron Man suits, what was he doing with them? She started wandering around the room, seeing all the different blueprints or pictures on display. There was a bulletin board with newspaper clippings not only about Iron Man, but about her dad. Wordlessly, she turned to face the suit once more.

"Miss Stark?" The suit asked, cocking its head. "Is my dad Iron Man?" Amelia asked, her voice coming out much softer than she expected it to. She looked over at the suit and locked eyes with it. A soft nod was all the confirmation it took. Amelia was in disbelief. She knew that her dad was famous, but nothing like this. Did he really save all those people?? Get himself into all those messes??

"Why didn't he tell me?" She whispers to the suit. "Miss, I know you have a lot of questions but right now, we need to worry about getting your father back."

Amelias eyes widened. "Back? What happened to him, is he alright?" She asks frantically, moving closer to the suit. "Miss, your father has been taken prisoner in a different realm. He was out looking for some... friends who had gone missing. And in the process, he got himself captured. I need you to help me get him back, he can answer your questions once you can see him again." She nodded, speechless. "Now, you're going to need to get in the suit. You won't have to fly, I can handle all the mechanics, but you will have to be in it."

She nodded once more and the suit came even closer, putting its robotic arms on her shoulders. "This will be done in a flash, promise." Jarvis whispered. A bright flash of white light and a swirl of red and gold colors for just one moment was all it took and suddenly, Amelia was inside the suit looking at screens full of words she didn't know the meaning of.

"Good evening Miss Stark, do you wish to go back to your father?" Jarvis asked, booting up the suit. Amelia nodded, her eyes narrowing in determination. "Take me to him, now!"

And with that, she was flying towards a different realm, one she just found out existed.

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