Chapter 4

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Amelia didn't even know how much time had passed, but suddenly she was at the front doors of a looming palace. Jarvis, as she learned was the robots name, lifted the face mask and allowed her out of the suit. She stumbled for a moment, but found her footing.

"Do I just walk in?" She whispered to the suit next to her. It nodded and pulled the door open. "It'll be much too loud if I go with you, Miss. I'll stay right here the entire time, on high alert. Your father should be in a cell down the stairs to your right. Bring him home, please." She nodded, wordlessly, and started making her into the castle.

It was dark, to say the least. Torches and candles lined the walls, but none had any flames. To her, she was the loudest thing in the world, every step she took making an even louder sound than the last. Eventually, she made her way into the stairwell, but not without getting the attention of a certain clock and candlestick.

"Bruce, look!! It's a girl, maybe she could be the one to break the spell!!" Thor said, turning to his counter part. The clock shook his head, and crossed his arms. "Do not get your hopes up, my friend. She looks human. It's Loki we're talking about here, she'll never love someone like him."

"Where is your sense of positivity, my friend? Why not be hopeful, hm?" Thor asked, moving his now lit candles around haphazardly. Bruce cringed and just shook his head. "I gave up on hope a long time ago."

Amelia slowly creeped down into the basement, or was it considered a dungeon?
It didn't matter, what mattered was finding her father and getting the hell out of there. Suddenly, she found herself in large hallway, filled with cells that had floor to ceiling windows, outlined in gold. Slowly passing each one, and finding them all empty her hope was starting to run dry. But that's when she heard it.


Her head jerked towards the left of her and there she saw him. Tony Stark was standing against the glass window, his hand pressed against it, tears pricking his eyes. "Dad!!" She said, rushing over to him and placing her hand on top of his. "Amelia, how the hell did you get here?? Why are you here, this place is dangerous!" She simply shook her head and started looking for a way to open the cell, frantically. Tony shook his head at his daughter, she was too much like him. "How much did Jarvis tell you?" He asked her, eyes pleading.

"Oh nothing much, just the fact that your Iron Man and you didn't tell me for the first 19 years of my life. But right now, that doesn't matter. What matters is that we get you out of here and home safely. Jarvis should be calling another suit here for the both of us." She said, now hitting and punching the glass, trying to break it.

"Amelia! Listen to me, you need to get out of here before he finds you. He'll throw you in one of these cells and you'll never see the light of day again. I've lived my life, hell i've lived two lives. Yours has just begun, you need to leave!"


Too late.

"Dad, what is that?" Amelia asked, keeping her voice down to a whisper. He looked at her, eyes wide. Keeping his voice low and level he said "Stay calm, if I know this guy as well as I think I do, you need to show him your not afraid. He feeds off fear." Tony takes a breath. "He's going to see you as weaker cause you're a girl, he's going to try and intimidate you. Don't let him."

"I'm scared." She whispered. Tony gave her a small, sad smile and kissed her forehead through the glass, like he would do when she was little. It was calming, feeling something normal in the face of danger.

Someone was coming down the stairs, stalking towards them, hiding in the shadows. Amelia stood up, on high alert and stood with her back against the cell. She put on her bravest face, she was going to save her father. Tony on the other hand, was scared shitless. He had seen dangers and faced them head on before, but this was different. He had lost Pepper, he wasn't about to lose Amelia too.

"What are you doing down here, midgaurdian girl?" The voice asked, sending shivers down Amelias spine. She couldn't find anyone to look at, but keep her confidence up. "I'm here to save my father. He didn't do anything to hurt you, he doesn't deserve this!!" She yelled out into the dim hallway only to be met with a menacing chuckle from the voice.

"You think that you can save him? He trespassed, he broke into my castle and helped himself to my food and fire. He deserves life in here!" The voice yelled, making the room become noticeable colder. Amelia started shivering. "Please! I'm begging you." She said, the fear starting to creep into her voice.

"Would you take his place?" The voice asked. "Yes." She didn't even hesitate for a moment. The world needed Tony Stark and Iron Man, they didn't need his good for nothing daughter. "No!" Tony shouted. "You have so much left to go on for, kid. You need to get out of here." The voice came even closer. "You would really take his place?" Amelia lifted her chin up even higher, holding her head up high. "He's my dad, I would do anything for him."

The voice grunted even so slightly and moved, pressing a button and the door opened. Amelia rushed in to give her father a hug, which Tony returned. "You're so stubborn." He whispered. She cracked a small smile and rolled her eyes. "I learned from the best." The father daughter duo laughed and held each other for one moment long before Amelia whispered something. "I'll find a way to escape." And she pushed him out of the cell, watching as the glass was set back into place, but now she was behind it.

"I'll find a way out, dad! I promise!!" She yelled to him as he was dragged back up the steps. The giant gripped Tony by the back of his shirt and threw him out of the castle, his back hitting the suit. "You're a monster." His said, standing up and whipping his hands off. The giant simply smirked and slammed the doors on the man, leaving him out in the cold asgauridan night.

Amelia on the other hand buried herself into the further corner of the cell, hugging her knees to her chest. She would be ok, and she knew somehow she would get back. Maybe her dad would send a suit with Jarvis to come get her. Or MJ and May would start up as search party. And as she sat in the cold, dark, dim cell she couldn't help but wonder if this was to become her new home. Is this where Amelia would grow to be happy? Make memories?? Her parents had told every single day in her childhood that home is where the heart. "Never were words so true." She thought to herself. And as exhaustion started to overtake her, and her eyes started to flutter shut, she found herself longing for her normal, reading, coffee, pushing steve away, hanging out with MJ, she missed home.

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