Chapter Four

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God, what happened in there? When he touched me, I turned to jelly. What's wrong with me? "He's evil and I do NOT want to fuck him" I tell myself firmly as I walk away from his room.
My own room was just down the hallway, we didn't actually live here but there was times we had to stay, for missions, or if we were just too drunk or too tired to get home, which has definitely happened after a few of Starks infamous parties, so we all had our own rooms here.

I swipe into my room and grab my spare guitar I keep here. "Hello beautiful" I smile as I pick her up, brushing the dust off her ebony body. Since I can't practice with the guys today, I might as well do my own practice while I babysit. I could definitely do with the stress relief right now.

I lock my door and make my way back to Loki's quarters.
As I make my way in I can't see him in the living room or kitchen, but I turn my head in time to see him walk into his bedroom and shut the door. That works for me.
I sit down on the comfortable grey couch, making sure my guitar is in tune. I casually pluck a few strings, trying to decide what to play. Hmm, can't go wrong with some Nirvana.

I start plucking the chords to Heart Shaped Box, not knowing or caring if Loki can hear me.

"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks"

 I sing softly as I play. There wasn't much I'd consider myself good at, but music was definitely one of my strong suits. It was one of the few luxuries I was allowed at the compound, when they would 'reward me'.
Times like this, I turned to music to melt my stress away.

"I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black"

 I continue singing, my fingers gliding up and down my guitar.

"Hey, Wait, I got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice"

 My eyes are closed, blocking out the world.
"That sounds beautiful" a deep voice says behind me. I gasp in shock, turning around to see Thor standing behind the couch.
"Jeez, Thor! You could've given me a heart attack!" I sigh, a smile on my face. Since I had joined the avengers, I had spent a lot of time with Thor. Every time I saw him, he was always extremely friendly and always seemed happy to see me. He was like a little ray of sunshine for me. Or should I say, big ray of sunshine. Though he was often away for long periods, he was definitely a great friend. And he always came straight back when he was needed.
"My apologies, miss Yin" he tells me, coming over to the front of the sofa. "I just wanted to ask how everything is going with my brother?"
I raise my eyebrow at him "Don't think I can handle him?" I ask, smirking.
"Oh, I know you can!" He laughs "If anything I was more concerned for his wellbeing" he jokes with me, I laugh back at him. "Don't worry, I let him off easy. I think he's sulking in his room if you want to check" I tell him, relaxing back into the sofa. He gives me a nod and starts walking towards his door. "Please, continue. It sounded lovely" He tells me as he walks.

Loki's POV

Knock knock knock

"Come in" I say, not pulling my eyes away from my book.
"Loki?" Thor asks, stepping through the door. "Ah, brother, I wondered how long it would take until you checked on me" I tell him, placing my book on the desk I was sat at.
"How are you and Yin getting along?" He asks. I start to hear soft music coming from behind him, I'd heard it before as well, but it was very quiet and muffled. "She's definitely... interesting" I state, my mind thinking back to having her against the wall.

"Yes, she's definitely that" Thor smiles. He's stood in front of the door, but left it ajar behind him.
"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks" I hear coming from the living room. "Who's that?" I ask. It sounds like an angel has landed in my living room, so smooth and gentle.
"That's Yin" He tells me, a confused smirk on his face. "She rather enjoys singing"

"Wow" I accidentally say out loud, my eyes wide. He looks at me and furrows his brows "Loki, no." He says sternly. "What?" I ask, playing innocent. "No flirting with Yin. She's my friend and I won't have you hurting her" he tells me in a lowered voice so she won't hear. "No promises" I smirk, turning back towards my desk. "Loki!" He warns me, his voice raised. "Okay, okay! You can leave now" I roll my eyes at him, turning back to my book. I hear him leave, but he leaves my door ajar.

"Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel hair and baby's breath..."
Her voice fills my head. I can't even focus on my reading, I just keep thinking about how beautiful she sounds. I gently stand up from my desk and walk towards the door. I stand there in the doorway, watching. Her back is to me, sat on the sofa, a guitar in her hands.
"Broken hymen of Your Highness, I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back" she sings. I don't know human music, but I could listen to her sing all day.
Oh Yin, what are you doing to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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