Review 4: Falloutboy4ever

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I have so many writers I could talk about for hours on end but this one is definitely there in my top five.

This is the writer who brought us "Until your breathing stops" and the amazing sequel still in progress, "Blink back to let me know."

The story is centered around Sage who gets knocked over by a car and is rescued by two very famous musicians.

What ensues is an exciting love triangle between Sage, a member of FOB and a member of Panic!

In book two, we see Sage battling with the devastating loss of a new friend and becoming close friends with another famous face (although I have my doubts that he is just being "friendly")

To top that off, this writer has one of the most amazing and insightful blogs one could possibly read (even better than my Save Rock and Roll journal)

If you want to get completely engrossed in what you're reading, check out FallOutBoy4Ever s profile and works

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