Please Take Crystal Clear Note

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Please take very crystal clear note

Every writer here on Wattpad works hard as hell to publish their works. Do you know how much work goes into publishing a complete story? Fellow writers will agree with me that it's a long and strenuous process so when I hear about people getting hate pm's and comments it gets me insanely furious. I will lose my shit and if I find out from any of my Wattpad friends they are being cyber bullied I will name and shame the culprits and make them wish they had such their egregious faces to begin with.

If I offended anyone with this post I am NOT sorry because that probably means you're one of those people who get a kick out of mocking others work when you most likely have nothing better to show for.

So people, show some appreciation for the writers who work hard to follow through on projects they believe in.

To those writers who encourage and support their colleagues, a big thank you. It is always so amazing when we have a group of people who are willing to support each other's works, help out with things like plotlines and covers and just generally are good people.

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