Review 10: The Awakening by Tatesgirl4ever

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Review 10

The Awakening by Tatesgirl4ever

Do we have any Beliebers and American Horror Story fans in here?

Well this book got me with the AHS concept. The way that Tatesgirl4ever has meshed two huge pop culture theologies into one is clever and intellectual.

Carter and her mother move into a new house in LA but there are a few things off about the house - Carter feels like she's always being watched and there are the strange noises that bug her at night.

Then a boy named Justin shows up and Carter's world starts to change as they fall in love.

This is still a work in progress so I'm biting my nails to see what happens next because anything horror related gets me going.

So go check out Tatesgirl4ever and get hooked on The Awakening!

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