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alex.mercer_ - following

mercer_ - following

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Liked by @lukeypatterson and 231 others

okay just cause I'm curious, who thinks we dated at some point?


@reggiepetersss: since I know the right answer, I can't say shat right?

       reply (@alex.mercer_:) nooo i wanna see the conspiracy theories brew in the comments

@lukeypatterson: i mean we're both hot so there's always a chance

       reply (@flynn.doubletrouble:) WAIT are you confirming???

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) no comment ;) 

@calebcovington: I'm the freaking bad guy and I ship them more than the brown haired one with the girl 

       reply (@reggiepetersss:) umfh what is HE doing here?

       reply (@calebcovington:) i'm everywhere

       reply (@alex.mercer_:) yeah well there's the door

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) there's the door BITCH 

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) there's the door BITCH 

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       reply (@carrie.queen:) power couple moment 😳

       reply (@flynn.doubletrouble:) we should have some of those moments too, huh carrie?

       reply (@julie._.molina:) oh yeah shoot your shot queen

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) shoot that was fucking smooth flynn

       reply (@alex.mercer_:) no cursing in my christian roblox server 

@flynn.doubletrouble: i'm going with yes hon cause they got too much damn chemistry

       reply (@reggiepetersss:) to be fair though luke gives off vibes with everyone

@julie._.molina: JESUS i'm gonna go with no because if you have then I must be BLIND

       reply (@reggiepetersss:) want some peanut butter with that jelly?

       reply (@julie._.molina:) i swear to god i'm gonna beat you up

       reply (@alex.mercer_:) HEY this comment section has a zero tolerance beating up reggie policy >:(

       reply (@reggiepetersss:) ha, get that julie

       reply (@alex.mercer_:) unless he annoys me

       reply (@reggiepetersss:) biatch i know you just didn't do that

@willie.skateboardingpro: should I be jealous?

       reply ( lukeypatterson:) nah no competion here

       reply (@willie.skateboardingpro:) oh okay good to know :)

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) if there was though, I would DESTROY you

       reply (@willie.skateboardingpro:) oh... um, okayyy...?

       reply (@lukeypatterson:) it's not a threat or anything. I'm just saying. my game is hella strong. he's just stating a fact.

 he's just stating a fact

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