Chapter 1- What happened?

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Corey stared at the ceiling, unsure of what to do. Should he call them and try to understand what happened or should he move on and try to make another band? The first option he already tried and when the twins asnwered all he could hear were cries before they turned off the phone. Laney didn't bother to asnwer. Well, it went to her voicemail but it was the same. After all, she probably was with Brad or with his crew and they didn't like to be bothered by "not socially important" people.

Moving on was going to he hard and nobody cared about him at school so no one would join his band. Besides he wanted Kin,Kon and Laney back and he would do anything to get it.

He moved a hand trough his blue locks and sighed. His beanie was laying next to him, staring at the ceiling too. He refused to wear it since Grojband disbanded, because it was one of the band's simbol.

He though again of the day it happened, trying to understand what really was the cause of Grojband's break up.


One week ago

Corey laid on the stage, his arms wrapped around his guitar. He was waiting for his band mates.

"Weird, they should've been here one hour ago. I think I'll call them."

As he got up to get his phone, the garage door opened and a pair of twins entered. Corey looked at them and made a confused face. They weren't wearing their usual outfits, instead they wore the school's music club uniform.

"Where have you been, practice was an hour ago. And why are you wearing the school's music club uniform?"

The twins had ashamed faces and didin't look very well.

"Yeah, about that, we came to tell you that we quited the band. We joined the music club and they don't let us be in a band."

Corey's eyes widened. What was that supposed to mean?

"But I though you guys hated the music club. "

" Well now we don't, so goodbye. Riffin."

And the twins left with tears treatning to escape from their eyes, while muttering and almost inaudible 'sorry'.

That had to be a joke. They never liked the music club. That club only played music that made them sick. It always  tried to make the twins and Laney join it. They didn't want Corey because they hated him.

Corey just stared as the twins left, confused and unsure of what to do.
At least Laney didn't left him. Right?
He picked his phone and his heart broke.

'Quited the band. Don't even bother to call or talk to me, Riffin.'

And then Grojband dissapeared from the map.

*End Flashback*

He kept trying to understand what happened all that week and then it hit him.

The music club. They hated him. And they would do anything to crush him and ,like everyone, they knew one of his weaknesses was the band. So they had to do something really hard to break it and to make sure it stayed like that. Probably blackmail. He was certain it was their fault and he started to make a plan on his head to get the twins back.

As for Laney it was going to be hard to discover the reason. She just left a message and not one detail.

"That's it!"

He jumped out of bed, knocking down various pieces of clothes on his way to the desk, and grabbed his phone. He opened his messages with Laney and looked at the last message.

It was only three exclamation points or in Laney's language:

Help me!


"So why are we doing this Lanes?"

The girl looked up at him and smiled.

"I think it's good if we have a secret language. Cuz, you  know, you might get in trouble and if you can't talk it might help texting in this secret codes."

"That's stupid."

But even if he said that he kept the notebook, in case one of them ever needed help.

*End Flashback*

Yes I know it's short but I don't have much time and I still have to make a request for my book 'My Grojband art'.

XOXO EatingSnowflakes

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