Chapter 7- It's all over (plus epilogue)

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"Let me go! I'm going to kill him!"

Corey and Kon each grabbed one of Laney's arms preventing her from killing Brad who stared at the four dumbfounded.

"Even tough we would love to see him getting murdered, we wouldn't like to see you jail."


Brad raised an eyebrown.

"So what exactly did I do?"

"You made Corey almost kill himself, that's what you did!"

"And your point is?"

" That's it, I'm gonna kill him!"

"No you're not!"

Corey grabbed Laney by her waist and put her in his shoulder.

"You two can talk to him while I go home to try to calm down Lanes."

With that he left, ignoring Laney protests, leaving the twins alone with Brad.

"Listen dude, I don't know what is your problem with Corey but it can't be that bad that you don't care that you kill him."

"He's just a loser. Why would anyone care about him?"

The twins glared at him.

"Listen if there is one thing Corey isn't is a loser. The only loser here is you. Corey is the bestest friend anyone could ask for and we don't care if you say that he's a loser. So do us a favor and disappear from here."

"Oh really? And it's you who is going to make me?"

"No. She is."

"She who?"

"Brad Zachary Peterson! Get here right now!"

"Hum... Hi mom."

Kin and Kon watched Brad's mom grabbing Brad by his ear and dragging him to the car.

"You are going to be grounded for the rest of your life!"

"Hey Kon?"

"Yes Kin?"

"How did his mother find out?"

"I called her when you guys weren't looking."

"Oh, okay."

(Insert moment of awkward silence)

"Is middle name is Zachary? Honestly I thought it was Drake."


2 years later

Corey took a deep breath. This was it. The biggest concert Grojband had. Even though he was always cool and collected, right now he was in a nervous wreck. What if they failed? It would be his fault and then the guys would leave the band and he would be alone forever.

"Core? Are you okay?"

He turned around and looked at Laney. She had one of her hands on his shoulder and the other on her bass strap.

He moaned and placed his head on her shoulder while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'll take that as a no."

She started patting his head.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Corey sighed and hugged her tighter.

"I'm nervous."

"Don't be. Everything's going to be fine."

He pulled his head from her shoulder and smiled.

"Good luck kiss?"

Laney rolled her eyes and chuckled. She pecked his lips before walking towards the stage.

"Core are you coming or not?"

"Wait for me Lanes! "

Finally! I finished my first book! High five everyone!

Thanks for all of you who read the book and liked it. You guys were a great support.

XOXO EatingSnowflakes

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