Chapter 6- Why?

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Laney tried to push Corey but she couldn't. She kept trying but it was effortless.

"Why are you doing this?"

Laney 's eyes widened.

"Wha...What do you mean?"

She could hear a sigh coming from the blue haired boy.

"If you actually saved me you just would just break my heart. I already know you and the guys hate me, So what's the point of living?"

"Corey everything we said in that video was fake. We made it when Brad and the others feared you wouldn't believe us at first. The other parts were only made after we came back to you."

"Laney let me go!"

"If you fall and die I do the same!"

Laney tried to push him again. Corey could feel his hands slipping from Laney's grasp when, suddenly, he felt two pairs of hands grabbing him and laying him in the ground. He looked at the twins. They were both sweating and their bangs were sticked to their foreheads. He moved his gaze to Laney. Her makeup was smudged and she was sweating like Kin and Kon. He closed his eyes.

"Why did you save me?"

"Dude there was no way we were letting you do that. Besides you're our best friend and both of us know Laney would kill herself if you did that."

He opened his eyes.


The redhead bear hugged him and mumbled on his ear.

"Your an idiot. Why would you believe him?"

" I don't know."

"Promise us a thing Corey."

"Yes Kin?"

"You do that again and Laney punches your face."


This one is short and I'm sorry but I like to divide the story's parts in chapters. And I already published two chapters in a day. (In one hour it won't be today)

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